Centre for Synthetic Biology and the Bioeconomy

Staff Profile

Dr Paolo Zuliani



Please check my up to date website https://pzuliani.github.io/.

I am a Reader in the School of Computing. Before coming to Newcastle I was at Carnegie Mellon University working with Edmund Clarke on model checking. I received my Laurea degree from the Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy) and my D.Phil. from the University of Oxford (UK), both in Computer Science.

I have been involved in several other funded projects - see https://pzuliani.github.io/ for a full list.

Areas of expertise: Verification for systems biology and cyber-physical systems; quantum computing.

Google scholar: Click here.


My current research area is formal verification of biological models and cyber-physical systems, using in particular model checking and SAT/SMT solvers. I am also interested in quantum programming and reversible computation, and formal methods for the specification and derivation of code (a la Dijkstra).

My research finds application, for example, in the verification of biomedical devices (eg, artificial pancreas for treating diabetes - paper), for optimising psoriasis treatments (paper) and the simulation of complex microbial communities (eg, for wastewater treatment - paper).

With my students and collaborators we have developed several software tools to support and implement our theoretical research:

  • ProbReach: Verified probabilistic bounded reachability for stochastic hybrid systems [tool page] [paper
  • SPICE: Stochastic Parameter Inference with the Cross-Entropy Method [tool page] [paper
  • NUFEB: Agent-based Modelling of Microbial Communities [tool page] [paper]


I am currently teaching the MSc modules Modelling Cellular Systems (CSC8324) and Bio-Data Science (CSC8332).
