International Students

Student profiles


Student Profile

About me

Name: Mingshan
Course: Translating & Interpreting MA
Study mode: Full time
Where I’m from:China

Choosing Newcastle

"I was uncertain about coming to study in the UK but my parents really encouraged me and now I am here I love it."

Studying at Newcastle

"After my arrival, I could feel the ice in my heart was thawing and my dreams of learning French and studying drama all come true due to the University Wide Language Programme and the adjacent Theatre Royal. Our School (of Modern Languages) regularly organised on termly basis.

"The translating professors are very professional and they really care about our learning experience and they give us very thorough feedback.

"French and drama are extra-curricular activities for me and I really enjoy them. These opportunities were made available via the great resources and programmes available at the Language Resource Centre on campus. For the drama element, I visited the Careers Service and they told me about the workshops run by the Theatre Royal.

"As a postgraduate student the University and professors expect more from you. You need to have your own ideas and apply critical thought to the work. It’s not just given to you to learn in the same way as undergraduate study. The assignments can be tough, but we do get support from the one to one writing tutors via INTO."

Postgraduate Community

"Being a postgraduate it is impossible for you not to feel part of a PG community. Everyone makes an effort to involve and include you."

Funding my studies

"I was actually an interpreting trainer for teenagers before thus got some savings and my parents also supported my studies financially."

Career aspirations

"Public Service Interpreter – to do something that really means something to somebody and to lead people see a deeper human nature even cross-culturally. My current course is helping me to achieve my goal of becoming a public service interpreter."


"I live in university accommodation called Manor Bank, near to the Metro Station. It’s about a 20 minute walk from the University but it has its own range of shops and bars. There is a mix of UG and PG students from Newcastle and Northumbria in these halls."

Living in Newcastle

"The living costs here are much more reasonable than other cities and the location of the University is exactly the city centre. I am involved in the Drama Society and Newcastle is an accessible location for visiting other areas in the UK. The Metro system is good and each stop provides different views of the city and surrounding scenery. "

Remembering Newcastle

"I enjoy the strong atmosphere of theatres in Newcastle very much and the inclusiveness of the community. I find that Newcastle is a friendly community."