HPC Research Funding

Funding for use of the HPC Service

The Rocket HPC service is free at the point of use.  Most grant applications should not include costs for use of the HPC service.

The service still operates a priority access scheme that is now relevant only to projects funded by some non-fEC funding bodies.  Please contact the HPC team if this might apply to your work.  

Funding for Research Data Storage and Management

There is no charge for use of the filestores on Rocket, but they are intended only for files in active use and are not backed up.  Your data management plan should include more secure, longer-term alternatives.  The University's Research Data Service pages have information about storage options and costing for research data management. 



Please include this acknowledgement if your work on Rocket results in any publications:

"This research made use of the Rocket High Performance Computing service at Newcastle University. "