Athena Swan

Event Items

NU Women Annual Lecture 2019

By any means necessary? Black Female Professors' Strategies for Surviving Higher Education

Date/Time: Wednesday, 2nd October 2019 13:30 - 14:30

Venue: Old Library Building, 2.29

All welcome!

NU Women and the BAME Network will jointly host this event featuring Dr Nicola Rollock from Goldsmiths University in London, followed by Fika style networking with coffee and cake.

The keynote speech draws on the first known qualitative study into the career experiences and strategies of 20 of the UK's 25 Black female Professors.  It explores how their academic journeys, shaped as they are by an existence at the intersection of race and gender, result in racial battle fatigue, feelings of isolation and disillusion.  Dr Rollock will also explore the wide-ranging strategies used by these women to navigate, survive and remain in Higher Education.  

NU Women Annual Lecture Poster 2019