National Centre for Energy Systems Integration

Staff Profile

Dr Adib Allahham

Senior Research Associate



I am a Senior Research Associate with the School of Engineering at the University of Newcastle with an area of expertise in Smart Energy Systems including power systems.


  • PhD. Control Engineering, University of Joseph Fourier - Grenoble - France, October 2008.
  • M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Institute of Technology of Grenoble, France, Sept 2004.
  • B.Sc. Power Systems Engineering, Damascus University, Syria, 1999.


My current research interests are focused on Net Zero energy systems, Smart Grids, Energy transmission and distribution, Energy Storage,  Active Buildings, the Power sector and Multi-Vector Energy Systems, and Whole Energy Energy Analysis. 

Current projects

I am working on a number of projects addressing the need to cost-effectively decarbonise the energy sector over the next thirty years by facilitating innovative network integration of new generations, and the integration of different energy vectors including Hydrogen. Computer simulation, laboratory investigation and demonstration projects are used together to produce new knowledge that delivers this requirement.


  • I taught at many overseas universities.
  • I have obtained the fellowship of the higher education academy (FHEA)
  • I have supervised and assessed several PhD and MSc students to completion
