Executive and Governance Office

Membership of Senate 2023-24

Ex officio members
The Vice-Chancellor and President - Professor Chris Day
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Professor Brian Walker

The Pro-Vice-Chancellors

The University Deans

Twenty members elected by and from the academic staff of the University including at least two representatives from each faculty (11 professorial, 11 non-professorial)

Professor Caroline Austin (2024)
Professor Chris Baldwin (2025)
Professor Zofia Chrzanowska-Lightowlers (2024)
Professor Darren Evans (2024)
Professor Catherine Exley (2025)
Professor Jens Hentschke (2024)
Professor Alexandra Hughes (2024)
Professor Rhiannon Mason (2026)
Professor Anoop Nayak (2025)
Professor Alison Shaw (2025)
Professor John Wildman (2026)
Dr Marie Devlin (2025)
Dr Darren Kelsey (2025)
Dr Anjam Khan (2024)
Dr Gareth Longstaff (2024)
Dr Laila Singh (2026)
Dr Laura Woodhouse (2026)
Dr Emily Yarrow (2026)

One member elected by and from the Professional Services staff of the University:
Kate McGill (2024)

One lay member of Council:
Claire Morgan (2025)

Three Students' Union Sabbatical Officers
President - Shah Yaseen Ali
Education Officer - Lulu Chen
Welfare and Equality Officer - Lucy Leeds
Postgraduate Officer - Chirag Kumar

Up to three co-opted members:
Professor Andy Husband (November 2024)
Professor Graham Morgan (November 2024)
Professor Jo Robinson (November 2024)