Shared Filestore


To provide areas of filestore which staff can use to share documents, or work in other cooperative ways such as joint authorship, contributory data archives, etc.

Shared filestore is managed by the IT Service (NUIT).


An area of shared filestore is accessible to all the staff who have been given access to it by the IT Service (NUIT). However, nobody outside that group (except IT Systems Managers) has access.

A shared filestore is normally configured ("mapped") once, then it's automatically connected at login.

Therefore, users are often unaware that they are actually using this service: they simply refer to "Drive J" or "Drive M"

Who has access to our Shared Filestore?

Access is determined by the manager of the share (NUIT) and will in most cases be limited to a project, team and local department members. In addition, Systems Administrators and the systems which provide the service have access via the built-in server 'Administrator and 'System' accounts.' Access for these accounts should not be changed as doing so will interfere with system backups.

Disabling Administrator access also causes more general problems for the Filestore management systems, and therefore IT staff may reinstate default permissions without notice.

Quotas (How much space?)

Quotas are negotiated with the IT Service.

Backups and data retention

  • If you have deleted a file, or made a catastrophic change by accident: Please review Recovering Data for self-service options. We can assist you in this process if help is required: contact the IT Service Desk.


  • All requests for support or advice with the Shared Filestore Service should go to the IT Service Desk.