Remote Desktop Services (RDS)

Discover all the options for working from home or off-campus

An IT services toolkit is available to support working from home or off-campus.

The toolkit highlights the options available for off-site access to University IT services, your files and software. It provides guidance on which services to use, depending on the task, along with advice on the equipment or software you may need. 

Remote Desktop Service

RDS (Remote Desktop Service) provides a method for University Staff to access software remotely.

Users must register for the service by filling in this form Access will be granted within and hour. Users will also need to use Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) to access the service, see and use the Microsoft Authenticator Application for the MFA challenge.

Connect to RDS using any web browser

RDS can be accessed by accessing using any web browser (login using campus\user name) 

 Once you are logged in you will see a list of applications you are allowed to access.

C‌‌lick on an app and open the rdp file downloaded

Click on connect.

Enter campus\user name in the user name box along with your password and click ok.

At this point you will get an MFA prompt on your phone. If the MFA prompt does not appear open the Microsoft Authenticator application and drag down to refresh. Check the prompt looks genuine and click approve. The required application should then open for use.

C‌onnect to RDS using any HTML 5 complicant web browser

Open using any HTML 5 compliant browser.

Login using campus\user name in the username box, enter your password and click Sign in. A list of applications you are allowed to access will appear. 

Click on application to launch and you will see the following, click allow.

 The application will start to launch

At this point you will get an MFA prompt on your phone. If the MFA prompt does not appear open the Microsoft Authenticator application and drag down to refresh. Check the prompt looks genuine and click approve. 


‌The requested application should then start.‌