Centre for Knowledge, Innovation, Technology and Enterprise

Project Items

Children's Services Directories

This six month project is a scoping study for developing a regional approach to providing directories of information about the services available to children, young people and their families. The team will employ a range of research techniques (focus groups, semi-structured interviews, observation) to collect a body of data about the use of, and attitudes to, service directories. This material will inform the creation of objects (scenarios, simulations and storyboards) for use as tools to animate the engagement and understanding of users and providers of services. Workshop events will be structured around the objects, which the participants will be able to experience, explore and discus. Through scenarios and storyboards we will project new and different possibilities of directories and directory-ing. The content of the discussions will be recorded and analysed and the scenario materials adapted in response. This analysis will lead to a specification of an options appraisal for the future trajectories of providing a directory infrastructure across boundaries, services and agencies.

