Bloodaxe Showcase with Dzifa Benson and Sarah Holland-Batt
Thursday 7 November 2024, 7pm to 8pm
Culture Lab, Newcastle University
Join Dzifa Benson and Sarah Holland-Batt who will be reading from their latest books, both just out from Bloodaxe. Monster is Dzifa Benson’s first book length collection. The Jaguar: Selected Poems is a retrospective covering three collections by Sarah Holland-Batt
Dzifa Benson was born in London to Ghanaian parents and grew up in Ghana, Nigeria and Togo. She is an award-winning multidisciplinary artist whose work intersects science, art, technology, the body and ritual. She was shortlisted for the inaugural James Berry Poetry Prize in 2021. Her abridgement and adaptation of the National Youth Theatre REP Company’s production of Othello toured the UK in 2021.
Sarah Holland-Batt is an award-winning Australian poet, editor, and critic. Her three volumes of poetry – Aria, The Hazards and The Jaguar – have each received major Australian literary awards, including the Prime Minister’s Literary Award for Poetry and the Stella Prize. The Jaguar was longlisted for the Griffin Prize. She is Professor of Creative Writing and Literary Studies at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane
Neil Astley is the founder and editor of Bloodaxe Books.
This event has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.
Culture Lab is building number 7 on Newcastle University's map of the campus