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Short Courses

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Two successful remote sensing short-courses, one in Zanzibar and one in Thailand, have been run using Bilko for Windows. We hope that more outreach courses such as these will utilise the lessons developed by the Bilko programme for targetted training. Such courses also provide valuable feedback from users into the programme.

The first short-course was an IOC-UNEP Regional Training Course on Seagrass Mapping using Remote Sensing which was held at the Institute of Marine Sciences, Zanzibar in November 1997. This was run by Dr Alasdair Edwards and Dr Peter Mumby of the Centre for Tropical Coastal Management Studies, University of Newcastle, who wrote the lessons for Module 7. Eleven participants from East Africa and international organisations in the region attended the course. The workshop concentrated on the application of remote sensing to coastal management with a special focus on the mapping of seagrass areas and seagrass standing crop.

The second course formed part of an IOCCG Training course on Applications of Marine Remote Sensing which was held at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Klong Luang, Thailand in November 1999. This was the third IOCCG training course set up to increase the user base of ocean-colour data throughout the world. Some 30 participants from 12 countries in the SE Asian region attended the course. The Bilko-based practical part of the course was run by Dr Craig Donlon of JRC, Ispra, Italy (who wrote a web-based lesson for Module 6) and Professor Ian Robinson of the School of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Southampton who was heavily involved in writing and editing lessons for the DOS-based Bilko modules and Module 6.

Last updated January, 2000