Sine, Cosine and Tangent



Sine is an odd function and is periodic with period $2\pi$. The sine function has a domain of all real numbers, and its range is $-1\leq \sin x \leq 1$.





Cosine is an even function function and is periodic with period $2\pi$. The cosine function has a domain of all real numbers, and its range is $-1\leq \cos x \leq 1$.





The tangent function repeats in intervals of $\pi$ and has asymptotes every multiple of $\dfrac{n\pi}{2}$ for odd $n$. The tangent function has all real numbers except odd multiples of $90^{\circ}$ or $\pi/2$ in its domain, and its range contains all real numbers.



Tangent is defined to be \[\tan x = \dfrac{\sin x}{\cos x}.\]

Common Trig Ratios

Here is a table of common angles and the values of their corresponding trigonometric ratios.

Common Trigonometric Ratios







$\sin x$






$\cos x$






$\tan x$







Trig functions can be differentiated and integrated.



$\sin x$

$\cos x$

$\cos x$

$-\sin x$

$\tan x$

$\sec^2 x$


The inverses of these trigonometric functions are $\arcsin, \; \arccos, \; \arctan$, although they are also sometimes written as $\sin^{-1}, \; \cos^{-1}, \; \tan^{-1}$.

Video Examples

Example 1 - Sine

Prof. Robin Johnson sketches the graph of $\sin x$.

Example 2 - Tangent

Prof. Robin Johnson sketches the graph of $\tan x$.


This workbook produced by HELM is a good revision aid, containing key points for revision and many worked examples.

See Also

External Resources