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Streaming Data Modelling Projects

Examples of our work on data streaming.

Streaming data modelling projects

This Alan Turing Institute-funded project is concerned with the development of online algorithms for streaming sensor data. There is a methodological focus on Bayesian state space and Gaussian process models for proper uncertainty quantification. Applications include spatio-temporal mapping and nowcasting of air pollutants in Newcastle, using live data feeds from the Urban Observatory

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This streaming data modelling project is developing new physical analytical methods that integrate advanced urban flood hazard models with statistical analytics of big data. The data comes from multiple real-time data-feeds describing the current state and condition of the city in terms of surface water flood risk and impacts.

We're coupling physically-based modelling and statistical analytics. This means decision makers can be provided with improved real-time predictions of surface water flooding to assist in flood mitigation at a range of governance scales.

This project is funded by the Natural and Environmental Research Council.

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