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Dr Ang Gao shortlisted for the BAFTSS Practice Research Award in the Doctoral Category

Dr Ang Gao studied her PhD at APL, supervised by Andy Law and Ian MacDonald

6 April 2023

Congratulations to Ang Gao, whose entry to the 11th BAFTSS Practice Research Awards was shortlisted under the Doctoral Category. Ang Gao graduated with her PhD from APL, after being supervised by Dr Andy Law and Dr Ian MacDonald (Culture Lab). 

Ang Gao

Reading Jiaoxing Village I

Linear documentary 78 mins

Reading Jiaoxing Village I is a first-person film that explores the interconnected issues of my identity as a young female Chinese filmaker living in the UK and the lived realities of people in my ancestral village in rural China. My study is, as far as I can discover, the first case of academic research on rural China that uses documentary filmmaking as practice-led research and its significance and originality lies in its contribution to knowledge to Chinese Studies and in advancing discussions about creative practice research in Documentary Studies.