Centre for Behaviour and Evolution

Behaviour, Ecology & Conservation

Behaviour, Ecology and Conservation


Global change is occurring at an unprecedented rate. We need to understand how animals use their environments and are affected by environmental change, in order to protect species and develop conservation strategies.

Climate impact

We are equipped with a suite of climate-controlled laboratories for behavioural and physiological studies on birds.

These, coupled with field studies using the latest technology, allow us to study the impact of climate and other environmental change on bird behaviour and physiology.

Sustainable farming

Our members study the behaviour and ecology of farmland birds, at field sites both here and abroad.

This is with the specific aim of developing sustainable farming systems that enable these birds to thrive alongside modern agricultural practices.

Conservation development

Our members also use state-of-the-art techniques, such as:

  • satellite telemetry
  • stable isotopes
  • heart-rate monitors

to remotely monitor spatial movements and energy expenditure.

This is in animals as varied as cows and puffins in their natural environments. This data can inform conservation policies and practices.


The following members of staff work within the Behaviour, Ecology and Conservation research theme.

Dr Richard Bevan
Senior Lecturer in Zoology

Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 8934

Dr John Skelhorn
Senior Lecturer

Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5142

Professor Mark Whittingham
Professor of Applied Ecology

Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 6599