Centre for In Vivo Imaging


Working with Researchers

We have extensive research experience and knowledge in developing and applying imaging technologies in biomedical research. CIVI researchers are always keen to contribute to the design of research studies and would encourage all researchers to contact us to discuss their ideas, at the earliest opportunity.

Guide to conducting imaging research within CIVI

The key steps involved in the initiation of a study, incorporation of Centre-specific information into applications for funding and ethical approval, and performance of the study are:

  1. Contact our CIVI Admin staff who can arrange a meeting with the CIVI Technical team and Directors, to discuss your project design.
  2. We will provide you with a Costings Request form.
  3. If your study is accepted, official study costs will be finalised and relevant information provided to you; it is our policy that scanner safety information provided by our MR physics team is incorporated into applications for ethical approval.
  4. Submit your grant application and ethics application and notify the CIVI Admin staff of successful funding and ethical approval.
  5. Your study is registered with us once all approvals are in place.
  6. Schedule your study scans and attend relevant safety training, if applicable.

 Details of the documents required to undertake scanning can be found in Step in launching a study pdf