Centre for In Vivo Imaging

Staff Profiles

Dr Guy MacGowan

Honorary Professor of Heart Failure



  • Consultant Cardiologist with major interest in heart failure, Freeman Hospital since July 2004.
  • Honorary Professor of Heart Failure, Newcastle University

Roles and Responsibilities

  • NHS Consultant with responsibility for advanced heart failure supporting heart transplant and ventricular assist device programmes at the Freeman Hospital

Area of expertise

  • Heart failure


  • MB BCh (2.2 Hons): Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 1986
  • MRCPI 1988
  • MD (NUI) 1998
  • Fellow Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
  • Fellow American College of Cardiology
  • Specialist Register in Cardiology 2004

Previous Positions

  • 1997-2004 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Section of Heart Failure and Transplantation Cardiology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
  • Training at: University of Pittsburgh and Johns Hopkins University USA, and Beaumont Hospital, Dublin

Honours and Awards

  • Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award, US National Institutes of Health, 1999-2004
  • British Heart Foundation Clinical Leave Research Fellowship 2012-15 

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Research Interests:

Heart Failure: Our research is in the broadest sense related to heart failure, though more specifically related to the physiological and molecular mechanisms of left ventricular dysfunction. 

Left ventricular assist devices: In some patients with end-stage and refractory heart failure, implantable electrically powered mechanical pumps called left ventricular assist devices may offer the potential to live longer, feel better, and potential to receive a heart transplant after a period of support. Based at the Freeman Hospital we have a well established, internationally recognised ventricular assist device programme. Our research focuses on recovering left ventricular function on these devices, long term consequences of support on these devices, mechanisms of exercise intolerance in patients with these devices, and use in special populations of patients such as those with adult congenital heart disease.

Heart Failure and Ageing: Heart failure has many forms though overall it is very much a disease of the elderly. Why some elderly subjects suffer from heart failure is not clear. We are conducting research with state of the art magnetic resonance imaging to determine how the heart changes with normal ageing, and how conditions such as hypertension might predispose to heart failure in later life. Ultimately we aim to develop interventions that prevent heart failure developing, and we are currently interested in the role of exercise interventions.

Cardiomyopathy: Some forms of cardiomyopathy are genetic in origin such as the cardiomyopathies associated with muscular dystrophy, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. We are conducting research to determine mechanisms of the cardiomyopathy (for instance with magnetic resonance imaging) and studying exercise interventions to help patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In conjunction with scientists from the Biosciences Institute we are looking at molecular mechanisms of the development human dilated cardiomyopathy.

Funding: EU, British Heart Foundation, Heart Research UK, Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre, US National Institutes of Health, American Heart Association.

