Centre for In Vivo Imaging

Staff Profiles

Dr Jiabao He

Senior Lecturer in Medical Imaging


Dr He is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Imaging with a research focus on clinical translation of novel imaging methods. He was awarded BSc from Fund University, China after completing a four-year degree within 3 years. He then moved to the University of Nottingham for his PhD study under the supervision of Prof Peter Morris (CBE) in Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre. Despite significant health issue leading to the loss of majority of eye sight, he successfully completed his PhD for the effective combination of functional MRI and magnetoencephalography (MEG). Subsequently, he undertook 2 postdoctoral training on preclinical and clinical brain imaging at the University of Sheffield and Newcastle University respectively. In 2013, he was appointed Lecturer in Medical Imaging by the University of Aberdeen to develop cancer imaging programme. In 2022, Dr He was appointed Senior Lecturer in Medical Imaging by Newcastle University, to consolidate the strength in brain ageing research and develop cross cutting research programme in cancer imaging.

The long term mission of Dr He's group is to relieve human suffering through the delivery of change to healthcare based on high quality clinical translational research leveraging novel imaging methods.


The long term mission of Dr He's group is to relieve human suffering through the delivery of change to healthcare based on high quality clinical translational research leveraging novel imaging methods.

Jiabao's current research has 2 branches: cancer imaging research aligning with 1 of the 7 Cancer Research UK (CRUK) centres in Newcastle, and brain imaging research aligning with National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Centre for healthy ageing. Jiabao's group has conducted clinical trial in patients with breast cancer using novel imaging methods, leading to 6 last author journal papers in the past 2 years and 82 last author conference abstracts (26 oral presentations).

Selected grants
[1] 2021, Chief Scientist Office. J. He, Z. Miedzybrodzka, Y. Masannat, S. M. Cheung. Robust EArly Detection of bReast cancer in hIgh-riSK premenopausal population using novel lipid based imaging methods (READ RISK). £296,114
[2] 2020, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission. J. He. Non-invasive mapping of exygen extraction fraction in patients with breast cancer. £78,120
[3] 2020, Scottish Funding Council. J. He, Z. Miedzybrodzka, Y. Masannat. Is lipid composition mapping using magnetic resonance imaging an effective early detection tool for breast cancer in high risk populations? £35,764
[4] 2019, Cancer Research UK. J. He, Z. Miedzybrodzka, Y. Masannat, T. Gagliardi. Is lipid composition mapping using magnetic resonance imaging an effective early detection tool for breast cancer in high risk populations? £72,085
[5] 2016, Princess Royal Tenovus Scotland Medical Research Scotland. J. He, K. Wahle, Y. Masannat, E. Husain. Non-invasive mapping of lipid and metabolite profiles in breast cancer: translational development of advanced multi-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) methods. £80,000
[6] 2015, LUPUS UK. N. Basu, L. P. Erwig, J. He, G. D. Waiter, S. R. Gray. Unravelling SLE Related Fatigue: Investigating the Role of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Skeletal Muscle. £35,052
[7] 2015, BBSRC EastBio. J. He. Development of quantitative microstructure measurement method using diffusion MRI for the application in human heart and breast cancer. £80,000


Dr He is currently the primary supervisor of 1 research fellow and 2 PhD students. He has supervised 3 PhD students to successful completion (each with multiple first author publications), and 10 MSc students (8 receiving distinction and 2 receiving commendation). His underlying teaching philosophy is to focus on quality and long term career development, so that students' full potential can be fulfilled.

During Jiabao's tenure at the University of Aberdeen, he was the course coordinator of MBChB Year 4 Student Selected Component (SSC), and effected a course reform leading to high student satisfaction and achievement. He also contributed to the teaching in MSc in Biomedical Physics programme both in classroom lectures and research project supervision, contributing to an expansion of students from approximately 20 per year to 70 per year.
