Centre for In Vivo Imaging

Staff Profiles

Dr Quoc Vuong

Senior Lecturer



I studied Psychology to avoid Physics and Chemistry during my undergraduate at the University of Alberta. I was supervised by Alinda Friedman and worked as an RA in her lab for a year. Following that, I did a PhD on object recognition with Mike Tarr at Brown University in Providence, RI. I then took up a post-doc with Heinrich Bülthoff at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany. Finally, I took up a position at Newcastle University, focusing on the neural mechanisms of multi-sensory perception, and pain, object, face and people recognition.


BSc with Honours, Psychology
MSc, Cognitive Science
PhD, Cognitive Science

Previous Positions

Post-doctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany


Experimental Psychology Society, EPS


Research Interests

I am interested in how people combine spatial and temporal information from different senses (including seeing, hearing, touch and "pain") to carry out important everyday activities like recognising objects in the environment or avoiding painful events. I am particularly interested in the brain networks supporting these cognitive functions. To tackle some of the research questions that I am interested in, I use a variety of techniques from psychology and neuroscience. These include psychophysics, computer graphics, eye tracking, EEG and MRI.


Undergraduate Teaching

PSY2009 - Methods in Psychology
PSY3018 - The Damaged Brain: Case Studies in Neuropsychology
PSY3097 - Empirical Project
