Staff Profile
Dr Salman Razvi
Clinical Senior Lecturer/Consultant
- Telephone: 0191 241 8838
- Address: Translational and Clinical Research Institute
Newcastle University
Centre for Life
Central Parkway
Newcastle upon Tyne
My research focuses on ameliorating morbidity and mortality in people with thyroid diseases. As a clinically trained investigator, I am pursuing research questions on several different levels, from examining different treatments of thyroid disease and their effects on cardiovascular risk factors and diseases to investigating long-term natural history of thyroid disease in a population. Despite the day-to-day pressures I have been successful in developing and maintain an active research career including a number of nationally funded projects. The first was the British Thyroid Foundation funded study of assessing long-term outcomes in the survivors of the original Whickham cohort, the first community thyroid disease prevalence study. The second grant was the NIHR-RfPB funded trial (SORTED) to investigate lower dose levothyroxine in older hypothyroid individuals in relation to quality of life and cardiovascular risk factors. In addition, I obtained data from the General Practitioner Research Database (CPRD) via the MRC license to analyse outcomes of subclinical hypothyroidism, which provided real life data on the effects of treatment on cardiovascular events. These results were instrumental, in part, to the recommendations formulated by the European Thyroid Association (which I was a co-author on) that the age of an individual should be considered when deliberating treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism. Also, in association with colleagues from the British Thyroid Association, I studied the iodine status of schoolgirls, which discovered that there was significant iodine deficiency in the UK, and led to a review by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition.
In 2013, I successfully secured an NIHR Career Development Fellowship (CDF) award. The CDF had a significant and measurable impact on the quality and quantity of my research output. This was due to the shift in my focus from purely NHS work to being a clinical academic. As a consequence, my H index has increased to 32. Furthermore, my contribution to the peer review process has also seen me being ranked amongst the top reviewers (ranked at the 99th percentile on Publons).
My publications (currently >90, of which >60 are original research articles) focus mainly on the cardiovascular effects of thyroid hormones. I have edited a book (Thyroid and Heart, 2ndedition, Springer) and authored several book chapters (including two in the iconic textbook Werner & Ingbar’s The Thyroid 11th edition). I have been invited to give lectures at several international meetings including the American Thyroid Association, the European Thyroid Association and the National Institutes of Health. I have also been involved in training the next generation of researchers: supervised a clinical fellow who has recently submitted his PhD thesis and three students successfully through their Master’s degree. I regularly review grant applications for NIHR and MRC. In addition, I have been an examiner of PhD candidates overseas.
I continue to foster global collaborations with thyroid researchers as part of the Thyroid Studies Collaboration, which has led to several high impact publications relating thyroid dysfunction with important clinical outcomes such as cardiovascular events and mortality.
In addition, I also work with patient-led charities to help improve patients’ understanding of their condition. I work closely with the British Thyroid Foundation as their medical advisor. I am also involved in supporting research activity and delivery at a local and regional level in my role as R&D Director at Gateshead Health NHS Trust and also the Lead for Metabolic and Endocrine Research in the Local Clinical Research Network. I sit on the Executive committee of the British Thyroid Association, a professional organisation promoting research and interest in thyroidology. I am the Associate editor for Frontiers in Endocrinology and form the editorial panel of the journals Thyroid and Journal of Endocrinological Investigations.
- Morton DWA, Vennart N, Slinger H, Gannon M, Razvi S, Bartholomew P. Should we reconsider blocking the thyroid for 123I-Ioflupane studies in elderly patients: quantifying radiation dose to the unblocked thyroid and implications for clinical practice. Nuclear Medicine Communications 2024, 45(2), 108-114.
- Razvi S, Nicodemus N, Ratnasingam J, Arundhati D, Soh WEA, Kunavisarut T, Zufry H, Chaudhari H, Markova A. Importance of right communication with healthcare providers and patients about the new levothyroxine formulation: an expert opinion from Asia Pacific Thyroid Advisory Board. Current Medical Research and Opinion 2024, 40(9), 1533-1536.
- Holley M, Razvi S, Farooq MS, Dew R, Maxwell I, Wilkes S. Cardiovascular and bone health outcomes in older people with subclinical hypothyroidism treated with levothyroxine: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews 2024, 13, 123.
- Razvi S, Jabbar A, Addison C, Vernazza J, Syed A, Soran H, Leng O. Variation in the reference range limits of thyroid function tests and association with the prevalence of levothyroxine treatment. European Journal of Endocrinology 2023, 188(2), lvad016.
- Lieber I, Van Der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Razvi S, Moriarty AS, Wilkes S, Ott M, Mannchen J, Eliasson M, Werneke U. Treating subclinical hypothyroidism in individuals with or without mental health problems –A Delphi based expert consensus study in two countries. Frontiers in Endocrinology 2023, 14, 1204842.
- Xu Y, Derakhshan A, Hysaj O, Wildisen L, Ittermann T, Pingitore A, Abolhassani N, Medici M, Kiemeney LALM, Riksen NP, Dullaart RPF, Trompet S, Dörr M, Brown SJ, Schmidt B, Führer-Sakel D, Vanderpump MPJ, Muendlein A, Drexel H, Fink HA, Ikram MK, Kavousi M, Rhee CM, Bensenor IM, Azizi F, Hankey GJ, Iacoviello M, Imaizumi M, Ceresini G, Ferrucci L, Sgarbi JA, Bauer DC, Wareham N, Boelaert K, Bakker SJL, Jukema JW, Vaes B, Iervasi G, Yeap BB, Westendorp RGJ, Korevaar TIM, Völzke H, Razvi S, Gussekloo J, Walsh JP, Cappola AR, Rodondi N, Peeters RP, Chaker L. The optimal healthy ranges of thyroid function defined by the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality: systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 2023, 11(10), 743-754.
- Tee SuAnn, Tsatlidis V, Razvi S. The GLP-1 receptor agonist Exenatide reduces serum TSH by its effect on body weight in people with Type 2 Diabetes. Clinical Endocrinology 2023, 99(4), 401-408.
- Howarth S, Sneddon G, Allinson KR, Razvi S, Mitchell AL, Pearce SHS. Replication of association at the LPP and UBASH3A loci in a UK autoimmune Addison's disease cohort. European Journal of Endocrinology 2023, 188(1).
- Perros P, Zarkovic M, Pearce SH, Razvi S, Kolli H, Dickinson AJ. Inter-observer Variability of Clinical Activity Score: Assessments in Patients With Thyroid Eye Disease. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2023, 252, 94-100.
- Lane LC, Cheetham TD, Razvi S, Allinson K, Pearce SHS. Expansion of the immature B lymphocyte compartment in Graves' disease. European Journal of Endocrinology 2023, 189(2), 208–216.
- Razvi S. Cardiac Safety and Efficacy of Combination Levothyroxine and L-Triiodothyronine in Patients with Athyreotic Hypothyroidism: Reassuring Initial Data but More Is Needed. Thyroid 2023, 33(12), 1393-1394.
- Holley M, Razvi S, Dew R, Maxwell I, Wilkes S. Assessing the cardiovascular effects of levothyroxine use in an ageing United Kingdom population (ACEL-UK) protocol: a cohort and target trial emulation study. Thyroid Research 2023, 16, 43.
- Razvi S, Jabbar A, Bano A, Ingoe L, Carey P, Junejo S, Thomas H, Addison C, Austin D, Greenwood JP, Zaman AG. Triiodothyronine (T3), inflammation and mortality risk in patients with acute myocardial infarction. European Thyroid Journal 2022, 11(2), e210085.
- Abdalaziz A, Vanka R, Bartholomew P, Vennart N, Vernazza J, Stewart K, Tsatlidis V, Narayanan K, Weaver J, Razvi S. The prevalence and significance of non-uniform thyroid radio-isotope uptake in patients with Graves’ disease. Clinical Endocrinology 2022, 97(1), 100-105.
- Alwan H, Villoz F, Feller M, Dullaart RPF, Bakker SJL, Peeters RP, Kavousi M, Bauer DC, Cappola AR, Yeap BB, Walsh JP, Brown SJ, Ceresini G, Ferrucci L, Gussekloo J, Trompet S, Iacoviello M, Moon JH, Razvi S, Bensenor IM, Azizi F, Amouzegar A, Valdés S, Colomo N, Wareham NJ, Jukema JW, Westendorp RGJ, Kim KW, Rodondi N, Giovane CD. Subclinical thyroid dysfunction and incident diabetes: a systematic review and an individual participant data analysis of prospective cohort studies. European Journal of Endocrinology 2022, 187(5), S35-S46.
- Perros P, Basu A, Boelaert K, Dayan C, Vaidya B, Williams GR, Lazarus JH, Hickey J, Drake WM, Crown A, Orme SM, Johnson A, Ray DW, Leese GP, Jones TH, Abraham P, Grossman A, Rees A, Razvi S, Gibb FW, Moran C, Madathil A, Zarkovic MP, Plummer Z, Jarvis S, Falinska A, Velusamy A, Sanderson V, Pariani N, Atkin SL, Syed AA, Sathyapalan T, Nag S, Gilbert J, Gleeson H, Levy MJ, Johnston C, Sturrock N, Bennett S, Mishra B, Malik I, Karavitaki N. Post-radioiodine Graves' management: the PRAGMA study. Clinical Endocrinology 2022, 97(5), 664-675.
- Javaid U, Kennedy D, Addison C, Tsatlidis V, Razvi S. Frequency, determinants and costs of thyroid function testing in a laboratory serving a large population. European Journal of Endocrinology 2022, 186(5), 553-560.
- Tharmapoopathy M, Thavarajah A, Kenny RPW, Pingitore A, Iervasi G, Dark J, Bano A, Razvi S. Efficacy and safety of Triiodothyronine (T3) treatment in Cardiac Surgery or Cardiovascular Diseases – a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Thyroid 2022, 32(8), 879-896.
- RECOVERY Collaborative Group, Inc. The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Hunter E, De Soyza A, Agbeko R, Baker K, Barr A, Cameron E, Campbell Hewson Q, Duncan C, Emonts M, Fenn A, Francis S, Glover Bengtsson J, Greenhalgh A, Hanrath A, Houghton K, Jerry D, Jones G, Kelly S, Lane N, Macfarlane J, McAlinden P, McCullagh I, McDonald S, Mohammed O, Obukofe R, Parker J, Patience A, Payne B, Price D, Razvi S, Robson S, Sanchez Gonzalez A, Stephenson E, Welton R, West S, Wong E, Yelnoorkar J. Casirivimab and imdevimab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial. The Lancet 2022, 399(10325), 665-676.
- RECOVERY Collaborative Group. Aspirin in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial. The Lancet 2022, 399(10320), 143-151.
- RECOVERY Collaborative Group. Tocilizumab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial. The Lancet 2021, 397(10285), 1637-1645.
- Jabbar A, Ingoe L, Thomas H, Carey P, Junejo S, Addison C, Vernazza J, Austin D, Greenwood JP, Zaman A, Razvi S. Prevalence, Predictors and Outcomes of Thyroid Dysfunction in patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: the ThyrAMI-1 Study. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 2021, 44, 1209-1218.
- Razvi S, Arnott B, Teare D, Hiu S, OBrien N, Pearce SH. Multinational Survey of Treatment Practices of Clinicians Managing Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Older People in 2019. European Thyroid Journal 2021, 10(4), 330-338.
- Tee SA, Devine K, Potts A, Javaid U, Razvi S, Quinton R, Roberts G, Leech NJ. Iatrogenic hypoglycaemia following glucose-insulin infusions for the treatment of hyperkalaemia. Clinical Endocrinology 2021, 94(2), 176-182.
- Barr CE, Njoku K, Hotchkies L, Ryan NAJ, Wan YL, Davies DA, Razvi S, Crosbie EJ. Does Clinical and Biochemical Thyroid Dysfunction Impact on Endometrial Cancer Survival Outcomes? A Prospective Database Study. Cancers 2021, 13(21), 5444.
- RECOVERY Collaborative Group. Convalescent plasma in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised controlled, open-label, platform trial. The Lancet 2021, 397(10289), 2049-2059.
- RECOVERY Collaborative Group. Azithromycin in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial. The Lancet 2021, 397(10274), 605-612.
- Foo O, Hiu S, Teare D, Syed AA, Razvi S. A Global Country Level Analysis of The Relationship between Obesity and COVID-19 Cases and Mortality. Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism 2021, 23(12), 2697-2706.
- Bano A, Chaker L, Muka T, Mattace-Raso FUS, Bally LH, Franco O, Peeters RP, Razvi S. Thyroid function and the risk of fibrosis of the liver, heart and lung in humans: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Thyroid 2020, 30(6), 806-820.
- Razvi S, Leng O, Jabbar A, Bano A, Ingoe L, Addison C, Thomas H, Carey P, Junejo S, Austin D, Greenwood JP, Zaman A. Sample Timing, Diagnosis of Subclinical Thyroid Dysfunction and Mortality in Acute Myocardial Infarction: ThyrAMI1 Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2020, 105(4), e1299–e1306.
- Razvi S, Oliver R, Moore J, Beeby A. Exposure of hospital healthcare workers to the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Clinical Medicine 2020, 20(6), e238-e240.
- Jabbar A, Ingoe L, Junejo S, Carey P, Addison C, Thomas H, Parikh JD, Austin D, Hollingsworth KG, Stocken DD, Pearce SHS, Greenwood JP, Zaman A, Razvi S. Effect of levothyroxine on left ventricular ejection fraction in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism and acute myocardial infarction: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 2020, 324(3), 249-258.
- Razvi S, Ryan V, Ingoe L, Pearce SH, Wilkes S. Age-related serum Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Reference range in Older Patients treated with Levothyroxine: a Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial (SORTED 1). European Thyroid Journal 2020, 9, 40-48.
- Pearce SHS, Dayan C, Wraith DC, Barrell K, Olive N, Jansson L, Walker-Smith T, Carnegie C, Martin KF, Boelaert K, Gilbert J, Higham CE, Muller I, Murray RD, Perros P, Razvi S, Vaidya B, Wernig F, Kahaly GJ. Antigen-Specific Immunotherapy with Thyrotropin Receptor Peptides in Graves' Hyperthyroidism: A Phase I Study. Thyroid 2019, 29(7), 1003-1011.
- Razvi S, Korevaar TIM, Taylor PN. Trends, Determinants and Associations of Treated Hypothyroidism in the United Kingdom, 2005-2014 . Thyroid 2018, 29(2), 174-182.
- Ingoe LE, Hickey J, Pearce S, Rapley T, Razvi S, Wilkes S, Hrisos S. Older patients' experience of primary hypothyroidism: A qualitative study. Health Expectations 2018, 21(3), 628-635.
- Dew R, King K, Okosieme OE, Pearce SH, Donovan G, Taylor PN, Hickey J, Dayan CM, Leese G, Razvi S, Wilkes S. Attitudes and perceptions of health professionals towards management of hypothyroidism in general practice: a qualitative interview study. BMJ Open 2018, 8, e019970.
- Lane LC, Allinson KR, Campbell K, Bhatnagar I, Ingoe L, Razvi S, Cheetham T, Cordell HJ, Pearce SH, Mitchell AL. Analysis of BAFF gene polymorphisms in UK Graves' disease patients. Clinical Endocrinology 2018, 90(1), 170-174.
- Bano A, Gan E, Addison C, Narayanan K, Weaver JU, Tsatlidis V, Razvi S. Age may influence the impact of TRAbs on thyroid function and relapse-risk in patients with Graves’ disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2018, 104(5), 1378-1385.
- Jabbar A, Pingitore A, Pearce SHS, Zaman A, Iervasi G, Razvi S. Thyroid hormones and cardiovascular disease. Nature Reviews Cardiology 2017, 14, 39-55.
- Ingoe L, Phipps N, Armstrong G, Rajagopal A, Kamali F, Razvi S. Prevalence of treated hypothyroidism in the community: Analysis from general practices in North-East England with implications for the United Kingdom. Clinical Endocrinology 2017, 87(6), 860-864.
- Dew R, King K, Okosieme OE, Pearce S, Donovan G, Taylor P, Leese G, Hickey J, Razvi S, Dayan C, Wilkes S. Patients' attitudes and perceptions towards treatment of hypothyroidism in general practice: an in-depth qualitative interview study. BJGP Open 2017, 1(2), BJGP-2017-0125.
- Dew R, Okosieme O, Dayan C, Eligar V, Khan I, Razvi S, Pearce S, Wilkes S. Clinical, behavioural and pharmacogenomic factors influencing the response to levothyroxine therapy in patients with primary hypothyroidism-protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews 2017, 6(1), 60.
- Zhyzhneuskaya S, Addison C, Tsatlidis V, Weaver JU, Razvi S. The Natural History of Subclinical Hyperthyroidism in Graves' Disease: The Rule of Thirds. Thyroid 2016, 26(6), 765-769.
- Razvi S, Ingoe L, Ryan V, Pearce SHS, Wilkes S. Study of Optimal Replacement of Thyroxine in the Elderly (SORTED) - results from the feasibility randomised controlled trial. Thyroid Research 2016, 9(1), 1-9.
- Pearce SHS, Razvi S, Yadegarfar ME, Martin-Ruiz C, Kingston A, Collerton J, Visser TJ, Kirkwood TB, Jagger C. Serum Thyroid Function, Mortality and Disability in Advanced Old Age: The Newcastle 85+Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2016, 101(11), 4385-4394.
- Hill TR, Granic A, Davies K, Collerton J, Martin-Ruiz C, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ, Francis RM, Pearce SH, Razvi S, Kirkwood TBL, Jagger C. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and its determinants in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ study. Osteoporosis International 2016, 27(3), 1199-1208.
- Ahmed FW, Rider R, Glanville M, Narayanan K, Razvi S, Weaver JU. Metformin improves circulating endothelial cells and endothelial progenitor cells in type 1 diabetes: MERIT study. Cardiovascular Diabetology 2016, 15, 116.
- Jabbar A, Ingoe L, Pearce S, Zaman A, Razvi S. Thyroxine in acute myocardial infarction (ThyrAMI) - levothyroxine in subclinical hypothyroidism post-acute myocardial infarction: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2015, 16, 115.
- Åsvold BO, Vatten LJ, Bjøro T, Bauer DC, Bremner A, Cappola AR, Ceresini G, denElzen WP, Ferrucci L, Franco OH, Franklyn JA, Gussekloo J, Iervasi G, Imaizumi M, Kearney PM, Khaw KT, Maciel M, Newman AB, Peeters RP, Psaty BM, Razvi S, Sgarbi JA, Stott DJ, Trompet S, Vanderpump MP, Völzke H, Walsh JP, Westendorp RG, Rodondi N. Thyroid Function Within the Normal Range and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease: An Individual Participant Data Analysis of 14 Cohorts. JAMA Internal Medicine 2015, 175(6), 1037-1047.
- Chaker L, Baumgartner C, denElzen WP, Ikram MA, Blum MR, Collet TH, Bakker SJ, Dehghan A, Drechsler C, Luben RN, Hofman A, Portegies ML, Medici M, Iervasi G, Stott DJ, Ford I, Bremner A, Wanner C, Ferrucci L, Newman AB, Dullaart RP, Sgarbi JA, Ceresini G, Maciel RM, Westendorp RG, Jukema JW, Imaizumi M, Franklyn JA, Bauer DC, Walsh JP, Razvi S, Khaw KT, Cappola AR, Völzke H, Franco OH, Gussekloo J, Rodondi N, Peeters RP. Subclinical Hypothyroidism and the Risk of Stroke Events and Fatal Stroke: An Individual Participant Data Analysis. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2015.
- Madathil A, Hollingsworth KG, Blamire AM, Razvi S, Newton JL, Taylor R, Weaver JU. Levothyroxine Improves Abnormal Cardiac Bioenergetics in Subclinical Hypothyroidism: A Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2015, 100(4), E607-E610.
- Jabbar A, Razvi S. Thyroid disease and vascular risk. Clinical Medicine 2014, 14(Suppl. 6), s29-s32.
- Collet TH, Bauer DC, Cappola AR, Asvold BO, Weiler S, Vittinghoff E, Gussekloo J, Bremner A, denElzen WP, Maciel RM, Vanderpump MP, Cornuz J, Dörr M, Wallaschofski H, Newman AB, Sgarbi JA, Razvi S, Völzke H, Walsh JP, Aujesky D, Rodondi N. Thyroid Antibody Status, Subclinical Hypothyroidism, and the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease: An Individual Participant Data Analysis. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2014, 99(9), 3353-3362.
- Viswanathan G, Balasubramaniam K, Hardy R, Marshall S, Zaman A, Razvi S. Blood Thrombogenicity is Independently Associated with Serum TSH Levels in Post-Non-ST Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2014, 99(6), E1050-E1054.
- Wilkes S, Pearce SH, Ryan V, Rapley T, Ingoe L, Razvi S. Study of Optimal Replacement of Thyroxine in the ElDerly (SORTED): protocol for a mixed methods feasibility study to assess the clinical utility of lower dose thyroxine in elderly hypothyroid patients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2013, 14, 83.
- Pearce SH, Brabant G, Duntas LH, Monzani F, Peeters RP, Razvi S, Wemeau JL. 2013 ETA Guideline: Management of Subclinical Hypothyroidism. European Thyroid Journal 2013, 2(4), 214-228.
- Razvi S, Weaver JU, Butler TJ, Pearce SHS. Levothyroxine Treatment of Subclinical Hypothyroidism, Fatal and Nonfatal Cardiovascular Events, and Mortality. Archives of Internal Medicine 2012, 172(10), 811-817.
- Razvi S, Weaver JU, Vanderpump MP, Pearce SHS. The Incidence of Ischemic Heart Disease and Mortality in People with Subclinical Hypothyroidism: Reanalysis of the Whickham Survey Cohort. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2010, 95(4), 1734-1740.
- Razvi S, Weaver JU, Pearce SHS. Subclinical thyroid disorders: significance and clinical impact. Journal of Clinical Pathology 2010, 63(5), 379-386.
- Shakoor SKA, Aldibbiat A, Ingoe LE, Campbell SC, Sibal L, Shaw J, Home PD, Razvi S, Weaver JU. Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Subclinical Hypothyroidism: The Effect of Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2010, 95(1), 319-322.
- Sibal L, Aldibbiat A, Agarwal SC, Mitchell G, Oates C, Razvi S, Weaver JU, Shaw JA, Home PD. Circulating endothelial progenitor cells, endothelial function, carotid intima-media thickness and circulating markers of endothelial dysfunction in people with type 1 diabetes without macrovascular disease or microalbuminuria. Diabetologia 2009, 52(8), 1464-1473.
- Razvi S, Shakoor A, Vanderpump M, Weaver JU, Pearce SHS. The influence of age on the relationship between subclinical hypothyroidism and ischemic heart disease: A metaanalysis. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2008, 93(8), 2998-3007.
- McMillan C, Bradley C, Razvi S, Weaver J. Evaluation of new measures of the impact of hypothyroidism on quality of life and symptoms: The ThyDQoL and ThySRQ. Value in Health 2008, 11(2), 285-294.
- Razvi S, Ingoe L, Keeka G, Oates C, McMillan C, Weaver JU. The beneficial effect of L-thyroxine on cardiovascular risk factors, endothelial function, and quality of life in subclinical hypothyroidism: Randomized, crossover trial. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2007, 92(5), 1715-1723.
- Razvi S, Vaidya B, Perros P, Pearce SHS. What is the evidence behind the evidence-base? The premature death of block-replace antithyroid drug regimens for Graves' disease. European Journal of Endocrinology 2006, 154(6), 783-786.
- McMillan C, Bradley C, Razvi S, Weaver J. Psychometric evaluation of a new questionnaire measuring treatment satisfaction in hypothyroidism: The ThyTSQ. Value in Health 2006, 9(2), 132-139.
- Razvi S, McMillan CV, Weaver JU. Instruments used in measuring symptoms, health status and quality of life in hypothyroidism: A systematic qualitative review. Clinical Endocrinology 2005, 63(6), 617-624.
- Razvi S, Ingoe LE, McMillan CV, Weaver JU. Health status in patients with sub-clinical hypothyroidism. European Journal of Endocrinology 2005, 152(5), 713-717.
- Razvi S, Basu A, McIntyre EA, Wahid ST, Bartholomew PH, Weaver JU. Low failure rate of fixed dose 400 MBq131I with pre-treatment with Carbimazole for thyrotoxicosis; The Gateshead protocol. Nuclear Medicine Communications 2004, 25(7), 675-682.
- Razvi S, Basu A, McIntyre EA, Wahid ST, Bartholomew PH, Weaver JU. Low failure rate of fixed administered activity of 400 MBq 131I with pre-treatment with carbimazole for thyrotoxicosis: The Gateshead protocol. Nuclear Medicine Communications 2004, 25(7), 675-682.
- McMillan CV, Bradley C, Woodcock A, Razvi S, Weaver JU. Design of new questionnaires to measure quality of life and treatment satisfaction in hypothyroidism. Thyroid 2004, 14(11), 916-925.
- Razvi S, Duntas L, Biondi B. Editorial: Treatment of Subclinical Thyroid Dysfunction in Patients with Comorbidities. Frontiers in Endocrinology 2023, 14, 1141612.
- Gan EH, Razvi S. The role of local thyroid hormone perturbation in hippocampal sclerosis dementia - commentary on a multi-modality study. Gland Surgery 2017, 6(6), 604-607.
- Gad H, Tee SA, Boot C, James A, Razvi S, Mamoojee Y. Clinical Impact of New Reference Intervals for the Roche Prolactin II Immunoassay. Clinical Endocrinology 2025, 102(1), 62-66.
- Razvi S, Peeters R, Pearce SHS. Thyroid Hormone Therapy for Subclinical Hypothyroidism [Comment & Response]. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association 2019, 321(8), 804-805.
- Taylor P, Razvi S, Muller I, Wass J, Dayan C, Chatterjee K, Boelaert K. Liothyronine cost and prescriptions in England. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 2019, 7(1), 11-12.
- Razvi S, Pearce SHS. Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Cardiovascular Disease Reply. Archives of Internal Medicine 2012, 172(19), 1523-1524.
- Weaver JU, Razvi S. Dose of anti-thyroid drugs can effect remission in grave's disease. Endocrine Journal 2005, 52(1), 159-.
- Razvi S, Pearce SHS. Do antithyroid drugs influence outcome after radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism?. Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology and Metabolism 2007, 3(9), 628-629.
- Razvi S. Thyroid function reference ranges in the diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction in adults. Nature Reviews Endocrinology 2024, 20, 253-254.
- Urgatz B, Razvi S. Subclinical hypothyroidism, outcomes and management guidelines: a narrative review and update of recent literature. Current Medical Research and Opinion 2023, 39(3), 351-365.
- Chaker L, Razvi S, Bensenor IM, Azizi F, Pearce EN, Peeters RP. Hypothyroidism. Nature Reviews Disease Primers 2022, 8(30).
- Gottwald-Hostalek U, Razvi S. Getting the levothyroxine (LT4) dose right for adults with hypothyroidism: opportunities and challenges in the use of modern LT4 preparations. Current Medical Research and Opinion 2022, 38(11), 1865-1870.
- Leng O, Razvi S. Treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism: assessing when treatment is likely to be beneficial. Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2021, 16(2), 73-86.
- Alijla F, Buttia C, Reichlin T, Razvi S, Minder B, Wilhelm M, Muka T, Franco OH, Bano A. Association of diabetes with atrial fibrillation types: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cardiovascular Diabetology 2021, 20(1), 230.
- Kwok S, Adam S, Hoong Ho J, Iqbal Z, Turkington P, Razvi S, Le Roux CW, Soran H, Syed AA. Obesity: A critical risk factor in the COVID‐19 pandemic. Clinical Obesity 2020, 10(6), e12403.
- Razvi S, Mrabeti S, Luster M. Managing symptoms in hypothyroid patients on adequate levothyroxine: a narrative review. Endocrine Connections 2020, 9(11), R241-R250.
- Razvi S, Hostalek U. Therapeutic challenges in the application of serum thyroid stimulating hormone testing in the management of patients with hypothyroidism on replacement thyroid hormone therapy: a review. Current Medical Research and Opinion 2019, 35(7), 1215-1220.
- Jonklaas J, Razvi S. Reference intervals in the diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction: treating patients not numbers. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 2019, 7(6), 473-483.
- Razvi S. Novel uses of thyroid hormones in cardiovascular conditions. Endocrine 2019, 66(1), 115–123.
- Leng O, Razvi S. Hypothyroidism in the older population. Thyroid Research 2019, 12(2).
- Razvi S, Bhana S, Mrabeti S. Challenges in Interpreting Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Results in the Diagnosis of Thyroid Dysfunction. Journal of Thyroid Research 2019, 4106816.
- Razvi S, Jabbar A, Pingitore A, Danzi S, Biondi B, Klein I, Peeters R, Zaman A, Iervasi G. Thyroid Hormones and Cardiovascular Function and Diseases. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2018, 71(16), 1781-1796.