National Centre for Energy Systems Integration

News Items

How can we realise the true potential of low-carbon liquid fuels?

This week has been monumental for future research into the integration of alternative, greener fuels; two research projects funded by EPSRC have been announced this week. 

CESI director, Professor Sara Walker, is leading a team to explore challenges, to critically analyse and understand the demand for alternative fuels. Professor Walker said:

I am delighted to take this role as lead for the Centre for Systems Integration of Hydrogen and Alternative Liquid Fuels. There are a multitude of potential uses for hydrogen within the energy sector. Newcastle University is undertaking world-leading research on whole energy systems, and our team of researchers is ideally placed to tackle the complex challenge of decarbonisation and the role of hydrogen within that. 

The findings of the two hydrogen fuel research coordinators will be important for reaching the UK's net-zero targets. Together, with the multi-stakeholder approach, both projects will play an integral role in achieving a thriving low carbon hydrogen sector in the UK, as set out in the Government's 2021 UK Hydrogen Strategy.

Find out more about coordinator project. More information about the projects will be laucned over the coming weeks - keep your eyes peeled!


published on: 18 March 2022