Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Archived Events

DJLU on Colombian Street Art

Date/Time: Thursday 16th June, from 6pm

Venue: Cullercoats Crescent Club

DJLU is a renowned street artist from Bogotá, Colombia, whose work explores both global and local socio-political issues through intricate stencils, often based on portraits of those he encounters in the street, as well as suggestive juxtapositions in pictogram form. We are delighted that DJLU will be visiting Newcastle this summer to complete a mural project on the underpass at Cullercoats. The collaboration began when he was keynote speaker at the conference ‘La calle para tod@s: Critical creativity in the everyday of Latin American and Iberian cities’, which can be viewed on our Videos and Podcasts page. 

Come along while DJLU is painting the mural or join us on the 16th from 6pm at the Crescent Club for the opening, including a talk and Q&A with DJLU. 

This event is supported by CLACS, the School of Modern Languages and the Institute for Creative Arts Practice at Newcastle University, as well as the Society for Latin American Studies. 

Street art stencil by DJLU showing two figures in black and white with a backdrop of red and yellow
DJLU Stencil in Bogotá, Colombia. Photo credit: Alba Griffin.