Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Archived Events

From Senate House to the River Plate - the British Ministry of Information in Argentina, 1939-1946

This research seminar is convened by the School of History, Classics and Archaeology and is open to everyone to attend

Date/Time: Wednesday 3rd October 2018, 4:00-5:00pm

Venue: Armstrong Building 1.04

This paper will examine the efforts made by the British Ministry of Information (MOI) to ensure the continued neutrality of Argentina during the Second World War. The paper will initially offer a clear outline of the propaganda plan of the MOI, how it changed over time and how it was disseminated in Argentina. The paper will subsequently detail the issues that this agenda created; detailing how the British diaspora was ‘weaponized’ to help the war effort and examining how British commercial and cultural influence became tools of the British state. The paper will examine why particular social networks in Argentina became vital to the war effort and how issues of class and race became points of conflagration in the creation and dissemination of propaganda.