Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Archived Events

Teaching Against Politics: Cuba in an American Classroom / La Metástasis Videotópica de Breaking Bad: A Hybrid Look at Film Noir Fiction for TV

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Lori Oxford, Associate Professor in Spanish and Department Head of World Languages and Dr. Alberto Centeno Pulido, Assistant Professor in Spanish linguistics, both based at Western Carolina University.

Date/Time: Tuesday 9th October 2018, 3:00-5:00pm

Venue: Armstrong Building 1.03

This seminar is free to attend and open to everyone, no need to register! 

Title: Teaching Against Politics: Cuba in an American Classroom
Lori Oxford (Western Carolina University)
Propaganda in the media, bomb drills in elementary schools, devil-like caricatures of Fidel Castro—over a half-century of misinformation directed at the populace in the USA has resulted in a generation of Americans whose primary understanding of Cuba is based on clichés, stereotypes, or patent lies. Lori Oxford, Associate Professor of Spanish and International Studies at Western Carolina University (North Carolina), will discuss her experiences of teaching about Cuba in the southern USA.


Title: La Metástasis Videotópica de Breaking Bad: A Hybrid Look at Film Noir Fiction for TV
Alberto Centeno Pulido (Western Carolina University)
The success of Breaking Bad at home and abroad led to the production of another TV text, this time set in Colombia, called Metástasis. While it was presented as a shot-by-shot reproduction of the original American show, it can, and probably should, be interpreted as a subversive act in which “translation works as both the agent of cultural domination and the very means by which such domination is obstructed, diverted, and ultimately foiled” (Kun 2005: 203). Alberto Centeno-Pulido, Assistant Professor of Spanish at Western Carolina University (North Carolina), discusses the mechanisms employed to obtain this hybrid cultural product.