Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Archived Events

2021-22 CLACS welcome event

Date/Time: Wednesday 6th October 2021, 4:00-5:30pm

Venue: Zoom

We would like to invite you to attend the 2021-22 CLACS welcome event which will take place on Wednesday 6th October, 4:00-5:30pm via Zoom

This informal event is a chance to come together, to welcome all new and returning staff, students and friends of CLACS to the new academic session. If you are aware of any new colleagues, students or external collaborators who would be interested in coming along please forward the invite.

We will also be highlighting some of our work with a Research Round Up.

Zoom link:https://newcastleuniversity.zoom.us/j/85782391335?pwd=YVlNMkN1QkZyVDVtcTNzZmo3YUh6dz09

Full details to follow soon, but if you have any queries, please do get in touch.