Religion and Belief
Newcastle University plays host to a diverse student and staff community and welcomes students and staff members of all faiths and none.
Chaplaincy service
In order to aid the student experience and provide more support to colleagues, Newcastle University provides a Chaplaincy service.
The Chaplaincy service works within the remit of the Student Health and Wellbeing service. It is available to all students and colleagues, of all faiths and none.
The Chaplaincy Service is a dedicated team made up of Newcastle University colleagues from varying faith organisations. They comprise of several Christian, as well as Buddhist and Jewish, chaplains.
The team works towards making the University a place of religious tolerance, diversity and respect. A further They are joined in their work by a further team of honorary chaplains.
The Chaplaincy at Newcastle University offers
- mindfulness sessions
- confidential listening and support
- faith exploration
- signposting to appropriate local faith communities
- opportunities for prayer and worship
- spiritual accompaniment
- socials, fun and friendship
Facilities for faith observation and activities
Newcastle University provides a Muslim prayer space in the King George VI. This is accessible to all colleagues and students, using a smartcard. Newcastle University manages the space, in accordance with the Faith Space Policy.
There are two quiet rooms available in the Urban Sciences Building, which are suitable for prayer and reflection.
The Chaplains' office is now in the Agriculture Building.
If you have difficulty booking a space for a faith activity or event please contact Owen Seth, the Faith and Spirituality Facilities Manager.