Estates and Facilities

Estates Portfolio Board

What is the purpose of the EPB?

The Estates Portfolio Board (EPB) is responsible for this Strategic Framework. Composed of stakeholders from across the University, EPB exists to help colleagues identify and realise estates-intensive projects.

They report into the Infrastructure Strategy Group (ISG) and are primarily informed by the Faculty Infrastructure Strategy Groups (FISG).

EPB also liaises closely with the Technology Portfolio Board (TPB) to ensure coherent handling of projects which combine physical and digital workstreams, and it consults with the Cultural Campus Advisory Group to identify opportunities within planned and existing projects for cultural enrichment to enhance the colleague and student experience and distinctiveness of the campus which reflects our values as a global and inclusive University

The Estates Portfolio Board receives and reviews proposals for strategic estates developments and for replacing and maintaining projects that impact stakeholders across the Campus. For projects that are singular to an area with no shared purpose these would remain within a Faculty or School (for example, a room refresh) and for projects that are greater in cost than 250k or have significant infrastructural implications for the University (for example, a new build) these would move into the ISG with guidance from EPB.