One to One Writing Tutorials
About the writing tutorials
These are optional, personalised 25 minute appointments with a teacher. You can use these to discuss an assignment that you are working on with one of the teachers.
Before the tutorial, you will need to send the assignment to the teacher so that they can read it in advance of the tutorial. Then, during the tutorial, the teacher will make some suggestions about areas for you to work on.
It is important to note that this is NOT a proof-reading service.
At what times do the one to one tutorials take place?
The sessions run during the following periods in the 2023/24 academic year:
Semester 1:
- Monday 30 October - Friday 15 December 2023
Semester 2:
- Monday 29 January 2024 - Friday 26 July 2024
- Please note, fewer one to ones will be scheduled during the university vacation period.
The days and times of the tutorials vary depending on the time of year. Please refer to RISE for the dates and times of the sessions.
What do I need to do to register for this course?
You will need to register for this course in person.
Follow the instructions on our online registration system RISE: