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Alex, Mathematics BSc with Year Abroad

Global Opportunity: Study Abroad at Technical University Munich "It was a beautiful experience as I got to experience life from a different perspective.”

About Alex

How did you prepare for studying abroad? 

I received weekly Zoom calls from Lee Fawcett, and Lee ensured that the modules I was taking were not too hard. We had a meeting discussing the content of the course at Technical University Munich and whether I had the prerequisites for the course. 

What was your experience of living in a new location like? 

It was quite a culture shock, but I gradually got used to it. It was a beautiful experience as I got to experience life from a different perspective. Particularly as I have lived in the UK my entire life and never left before, I didn't know what other cultures were like. However, I was easily able to adjust to the new environment with the help of some new friends I made in Germany. 

What was your experience of the student community like? 

I met my friends from events held by the University. I also lived in a student village so I was able to meet my neighbours there. We held BBQs during the summer and sometimes we would play online games together. Additionally, during our free time we would play table tennis and go to the student bar to have a drink. 


What were your favourite classes/modules? 

My favourite module was Applied Regression because the lecturer was extremely kind and helpful. She would always make jokes during the lecture which I found quite amusing. 

What would your advice be for anyone who is currently studying your course and considering studying abroad? 

Even though the education system in other countries may be harder compared to the British system, I believe everyone should take the opportunity to study abroad as it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You will be able to experience a different perspective during your time abroad and make friends from all over the world. It may seem nerve-racking at first, moving to a completely new country, however you will gradually adjust to this new country, learn to love it and do things that you weren't able to do in the UK. You will cherish these memories and make lifelong friends from other countries.