McCord Centre for Landscape

Landscape Forward: Policy, Practice, Research

Landscape Forward: Policy, Practice, Research

This symposium aimed to explore and discuss the way forward for landscape policy, practice and research.

This symposium was developed through a partnership between Newcastle University’s McCord Centre, Natural England and English Heritage.

Following an opening address by Andrew Sells, the Chair of Natural England, thought-provoking presentations were given by:

  • Professor Carys Swanwick (Sheffield University)
  • Graham Fairclough (Newcastle University)
  • Drew Bennellick (Heritage Lottery Fund)
  • Professor Colin Price (Independent Academic)

Adrian Phillips provided a summary of, reflection and observations on the morning session and stepped in as Chair/Provocateur for the afternoon session because unfortunately Tony Gates (Northumberland National Park Authority) was held up at another meeting. Jonathan Porter (Countryscape) gave an overall summing up at the end of the day and further comments on the discussions.

Amongst the audience were individuals representing a multi-disciplinary range of organisations, groups and those with an interest in landscape issues. The organising committee would like to thank all participants for their contribution to the lively debate and discussion which made the day enjoyable and productive.

We aim to make as many of the presentations and discussions available as possible on this website in due course and would welcome feedback comments and further discussion on the issues raised.

Please send reflections or comments to Vic Christie.

Andres Sells gives the opening address.