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BeWell Scheme Led by New Counsellors

Our BeWell@NCL scheme, facilitated by the Library, sees two new faces from Wellbeing leading on recommendations.

28 March 2024

The BeWell@NCL scheme welcomes Leeanne Bennett and Louise Haillay, counsellors from the Student Health and Wellbeing team, as the main points of contact for recommending Wellbeing literature.

Together they are passionate about providing students with self-help resources to help manage difficult aspects of student life and are keen to use their vast skill sets to recommend appropriate books into the BeWell Scheme. These books can be used alone or in conjunction with therapeutic interventions to support a student’s mental health and wellbeing.

The BeWell scheme is a collection of tried and tested books chosen in partnership with the Health and Wellbeing Service and other health professionals. These cover various wellbeing concerns including: anger, isolation, anxiety, low mood, body image, low self-esteem, relationship difficulties, bereavement, eating distress, sleep, stress and more.

Evidence shows that books like these can help people to both clarify and manage thier mental health and wellbeing. These books are available in a mixture of print, audio, and e-book.

Leeane and Louise are currently in the process of collecting book reviews, so definitely look out for these appearing alongside the collection.

Also, if you have any appropriate recommendations for the collection, please submit them to either your therapist, Leeanne or Louise, or via the BeWell page which can be found below. 

We hope you enjoy the collection.