Staff Profile
Dr John Hedley
Senior Lecturer
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- Address: School of Engineering
M41A, Stephenson Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Dr John Hedley is a Senior Lecturer for the School of Engineering at University of Newcastle with areas of expertise in MEMS, biosensors, graphene and robotics.
Roles and Responsibilities
Degree Programme Director MSc Mechanical Engineering (2022 - present)
Director of Postgraduate Studies, School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering (2009 - 2013)
MSc Microsystems Enigineering Degree Programme Director (2007 - 2014)
MSc Biomedical Nanotechnology Degree Programme Director (2004 - 2006)
MSc Mechatronics Degree Programme Director (2014 - 2018)
PhD - Collisional and Radiative Processes in Atomic Spectra
BSc(Hons) - Astronomy and Astrophysics
Research Interests
Autonomous mobile robotics
Graphene based sensors
Microsystems engineering
Postgraduate Supervision
Principal supervisor
• Abdullah Faqihi, “Rapid prototyping of biosensors”
• Fadoo Unom, “Single molecule detection using graphene resonators”
• Idris Musa, “High frequency graphene biosensors”
• Ivan Torres Cordova, “Design of a MEMS device for cell differentiation”
• Tom Bamford, “Towards printable, conductive and functionalised graphene based inks”
• Hayder Ashelaish, “Distributed element filter based biosensor”
• Davut Izci, “Developing a biosensor based on unique properties of graphene nanomaterial”
• Zeyad Al-Shibaany, “Design and implementation of a portable medical system for early warning of infectious diseases”
• Sinziana Popescu, “Graphene biosensors” (2018)
• Sanggar Dewanto, “Reliability prediction of single crystal silicon MEMS using dynamic Raman spectroscopy” (2014)
• Carl Dale, “Development of bioelectronics for inertial sensing applications” (2012)
• Subash Chinnaraj, “Modelling & experimental characterisation of bacteria adhesion, aggregation and biofilm formation”
• Katie Griffiths, “Development of graphene based biosensors” (2017)
• Alaa Jaber, “Design of an intelligent embedded system for condition monitoring of an industrial robot” (2016)
• Paramin Neranon, “Human – robot interaction using a behavioural control strategy” (2015)
• Ahmad Alsaab, “Intelligent behavioural strategies for indoor mobile robot navigation in dynamic environments” (2015)
• Harry Grigg, “Modelling, design, and fabrication of a xylophone bar magnetometer” (2014)
• Oliver Warlow, “Kinematic and anatomical measurement for biomechanical finger models” (2012)
• Mehmet Guzel, “Mobile robot navigation using a vision based approach” (2012)
• Panus Nattharith, “Mobile robot navigation using a behavioural strategy” (2011)
• Ning Han (MPhil), “Control of a mobile robot platform” (2009)
Principal investigator
"IAA Strategic Project"
EPSRC, £99,941, 16/04/2014 - 18/09/2015
"Leverhulme Visiting Professor"
The Leverhulme Trust, £82,369, 01/07/2014 - 30/06/2015
"Development of a graphene based generic sensing platform"
British Council, £15,600, 01/03/2013 - 30/12/2015
"Utilising graphene for biosensing"
EPSRC, £202,223, 22/11/2010 - 21/03/2012
"Bioelectronics development"
QinetiQ Ltd, £63,000, 01/11/2007 - 31/10/2010
"Development of a 'Dynamic Micro Analysis Raman Spectroscopy' (DyMars) System for Characterisation of MEMS and NEMS"
EPSRC, £114,000, 01/8/2005 - 30/4/2008
"Integration of Micro-sensor Platforms for the Rapid Detection of S100B Protein"
Royal Society, £11,000, 01/07/2005 - 31/07/2007
"IRC in Early-Warning Sensing Systems for Infectious Diseases"
EPSRC, £1,573,463, 01/10/2013 - 30/09/2019
"UHF VIBROMTER: UHF-120 Polytec Ultra-High Frequency Laser Vibrometer"
EPSRC, £61,118, 29/07/2013 - 28/07/2018
"Interface Engineering for EPSRC Great Technologies Advance Materials
EPSRC, £2,723,953, 01/07/2013 - 30/09/2015
"High Frequency Degenerate Mode Acoustic Sensors"
EPSRC, £777,939, 01/11/2012 - 01/05/2016
EPSRC, £1,873,342, 01/05/2009 - 30/04/2012
Commission of the European Communities, £223,000, 01/01/2007 - 31/12/2009
"SMARTHEALTH - Smart Integrated Biodiagnostic Systems for Healthcare"
Commission of the European Communities, £1,328,000, 01/12/2005 - 30/11/2009
"SAFER - Isolation of Foetal Cells from Maternal Blood: A Nanomolecular Approach"
Commission of the European Communities, £125,000, 15/02/2005 - 14/02/2008
"Evaluation of MEMS Resonant Mass Sensors for Generic Specific Binding Analysis (MEMSens2)"
DTI (Department of Trade & Industry), £90,000, 01/04/2004 - 30/06/2005
Current Teaching
MEC3027 Introduction to Instrumentation and Drives (Module leader)
MEC3098 Mechanical Engineering Individual Project
MEC8057 Mechatronics and Mobile Robotics (Module leader)
MEC8058 Instrumentation and Drives (Module leader)
MEC8095 MSc Project
MEC8099 Mechanical Engineering Team Project
Previous teaching
MEC1012 Mechanical Engineering Professional Skills I
ENM226 Discrete Transforms
PHY2029 Modern Topics in Physics
MEC3014 Computational Modelling
MEC3018 Design for Industry
MEC4001 Automatic Control
MEC8011 Methods in Industrial R&D
MEC8012 Nanoscale Fabrication and Manipulation
MMB8017 Nanomaterials in Healthcare Technologies
MEC8025 Mechatronic Design
MEC8026 Robotics
MEC8027 BioMEMS and Microsystems Engineering
MEC8099 Mechanical Engineering Team Project
- Fornarelli L, Young J, McKenna T, Koya E, Hedley J. Stastaball: Design and Control of a Statically Stable Ball Robot. Robotics 2023, 12(2), 34.
- Faqihi AA, Keegan N, Šiller L, Hedley J. Effect of Ambient Environment on Laser Reduction of Graphene Oxide for Applications in Electrochemical Sensing. Sensors 2023, 23(18), 8002.
- Satpute V, Huo D, Hedley J, Elgendy M. Design of a novel 2D ultrasonic transducer for 2D high-frequency vibration–assisted micro-machining. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2023, 126, 1035-1053.
- Musa I, Hedley J. RF Line-Element Filters for Structural-Health-Monitoring Applications. Sensors 2022, 22(22), 8908.
- Izci D, Ekinci S, Zeynelgil HL, Hedley J. Performance evaluation of a novel improved slime mould algorithm for direct current motor and automatic voltage regulator systems. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 2022, 44(2), 435-456.
- Izci D, Ekinci S, Zeynelgil HL, Hedley J. Fractional Order PID Design based on Novel Improved Slime Mould Algorithm. Electric Power Components and Systems 2021, 49(9-10), 901-918.
- Al-Shibaany ZYA, Penchev P, Hedley J, Dimov S. Laser micromachining of Lithium niobate-based resonant sensors towards medical devices applications. Sensors 2020, 20(8), 2206.
- Thomas A, Hedley J. FumeBot: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network Controlled Robot. Robotics 2019, 8(3), 62.
- Izci D, Dale C, Keegan N, Hedley J. The Construction of a Graphene Hall Effect Magnetometer. IEEE Sensors Journal 2018, 18(23), 9534-9541.
- Nurdillayeva RN, Oshido AB, Bamford TA, El-Zubir O, Houlton A, Hedley J, Pike AR, Horrocks BR. Inkjet printing and electrical characterisation of DNA - templated cadmium sulfide nanowires. Nanotechnology 2018, 29(13), 135704.
- Gallacher BJ, Burdess JS, Hu ZX, Grigg HT, Dale C, Hedley J, Fu C, Spoors J, O'Meara N, Keegan N. Experimental verification of a quasi-trapped degenerate mode magnetic acoustic resonator. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 2018, 269, 238-248.
- Burdess JS, Gallacher BJ, Grigg HT, Hu ZX, Dale C, Keegan N, Hedley J, Fu C, Spoors J. The theory of a trapped degenerate mode resonator. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2017, 141(6), 4622-4632.
- Popescu S, Dale C, Keegan N, Ghosh B, Kaner R, Hedley J. Rapid Prototyping of a Low-cost Graphene-based Impedimetric Biosensor. Procedia Technology 2017, 27, 274-276.
- Hu Z, Hedley J, Keegan N, Spoors J, Gallacher B, McNeil C. One-port Electronic Detection Strategies for Improving Sensitivity in Piezoelectric Resonant Sensor Measurements. Sensors 2016, 16(11), 1781.
- Popescu S, Barlow A, Ramadan S, Ganti S, Ghosh B, Hedley J. Electroless Nickel Deposition: an Alternative for Graphene Contacting. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8(45), 31359–31367.
- Huo D, Choong Z, Shi Y, Hedley J, Zhao Y. Diamond Micro-milling of Lithium Niobate for Sensing applications. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2016, 26(9), 095005.
- Barlow AJ, Popescu S, Artyushkova K, Scott O, Sano N, Hedley J, Cumpson P. Chemically specific identification of carbon in XPS imaging using Multivariate Auger Feature Imaging (MAFI). Carbon 2016, 107, 190-197.
- Swierczewski R, Hedley J, Redfern CPF. High-resolution micromechanical measurement in real time of forces exerted by living cells. Cell Adhesion & Migration 2015, 10(3), 322-330.
- Griffiths K, Dale C, Hedley J, Kowal MD, Kaner RB, Keegan N. Laser-scribed graphene presents an opportunity to print a new generation of disposable electrochemical sensors. Nanoscale 2014, 6(22), 13613-13622.
- Burnett R, Harris AJ, Ortiz P, Hedley J, Burdess JS, Keegan N, Spoors JA, McNeil CJ. Electronic Detection Strategies for a MEMS-Based Biosensor. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 2013, 22(2), 276-284.
- Hu Z, Hedley J, Keegan N, Spoors J, Waugh W, Gallacher B. Design, fabrication and characterization of a piezoelectric MEMS diaphragm resonator mass sensor. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2013, 23, 125019.
- Swierczewski R, Vázquez J, Hedley J, Birch M, Redfern C. A microsystem for real time high resolution measurement of cell forces. IEEE Sensors Journal 2013, 13(5), 1602-1609.
- Ortiz P, Burnett R, Keegan N, Spoors J, Hedley J, Harris A, Burdess J, Raphoz N, Collet J, McNeil CJ. Issues associated with scaling up production of a lab demonstrated MEMS mass sensor. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2012, 22(11), 115032.
- Suarez G, Keegan N, Spoors JA, Ortiz P, Jackson RJ, Hedley J, Borrise X, McNeil CJ. Biomolecule Patterning on Analytical Devices: A Microfabrication-Compatible Approach. Langmuir 2010, 26(8), 6071-6077.
- Ismail AK, Burdess JS, Harris AJ, Suarez G, Keegan N, Spoors JA, Chang SC, McNeil CJ, Hedley J. The fabrication, characterization and testing of a MEMS circular diaphragm mass sensor. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2008, 18(2), 025021.
- Hu ZX, Hedley J, Gallacher BJ, Arce-Garcia I. Dynamic characterization of MEMS using Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2008, 18(9), 095019.
- Boonliang B, Prewett PD, Hedley J, Preece J, Hamlett CA. A focused-ion-beam-fabricated micro-paddle resonator for mass detection. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2008, 18(1), 015021.
- Enderling S, Hedley J, Jiang L, Cheung R, Zorman C, Mehregany M, Walton AJ. Characterization of frequency tuning using focused ion beam platinum deposition. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2007, 17(2), 213-219.
- Ismail AK, Burdess JS, Harris AJ, McNeil CJ, Hedley J, Chang SC, Suarez G. The principle of a MEMS circular diaphragm mass sensor. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2006, 16(8), 1487-1493.
- Jiang L, Cheung R, Hedley J, Hassan M, Harris AJ, Burdess JS, Mehregany M, Zorman CA. SiC cantilever resonators with electrothermal actuation. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 2006, 128(2), 376-386.
- Portoles JF, Cumpson PJ, Hedley J, Allen S, Williams PM, Tendler SJB. Accurate velocity measurements of AFM-cantilever vibrations by Doppler interferometry. Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 2006, 1(1), 51-62.
- Cumpson PJ, Hedley J, Clifford CA. Microelectromechanical device for lateral force calibration in the atomic force microscope: Lateral electrical nanobalance. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 2005, 23(5), 1992-1997.
- Gallacher BJ, Hedley J, Burdess JS, Harris AJ, Rickard A, King DO. Electrostatic correction of structural imperfections present in a microring gyroscope. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 2005, 14(2), 221-234.
- Cumpson PJ, Clifford CA, Hedley J. Quantitative analytical atomic force microscopy: A cantilever reference device for easy and accurate AFM spring-constant calibration. Measurement Science and Technology 2004, 15(7), 1337-1346.
- Cumpson PJ, Zhdan P, Hedley J. Calibration of AFM cantilever stiffness: A microfabricated array of reflective springs. Ultramicroscopy 2004, 100(3-4), 241-251.
- Gallacher BJ, Hedley J, Burdess JS, Harris AJ, McNie ME. Multimodal tuning of a vibrating ring using laser ablation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 2003, 217(5), 557-576.
- Cumpson PJ, Hedley J, Zhdan P. Accurate force measurement in the atomic force microscope: A microfabricated array of reference springs for easy cantilever calibration. Nanotechnology 2003, 14(8), 918-924.
- Cumpson PJ, Hedley J. Accurate analytical measurements in the atomic force microscope: A microfabricated spring constant standard potentially traceable to the SI. Nanotechnology 2003, 14(12), 1279-1288.
- Bowden M, Gardiner DJ, Wood D, Burdess J, Harris A, Hedley J. Raman and finite-element analysis of a mechanically strained silicon microstructure. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2001, 11(1), 7-12.
- Lourenco MA, Gardiner DJ, Bowden M, Hedley J, Wood D. Stress analysis of B doped silicon bridges and cantilever structures by Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Materials Science Letters 2000, 19(9), 767-769.
- Lourenco MA, Gardiner DJ, Gouvernayre V, Bowden M, Hedley J, Wood D. Alleviation of temperature effects in the Raman micro-spectroscopy of boron doped silicon microstructures. Journal of Materials Science Letters 2000, 19(9), 771-773.
- Hedley J, Lewis EL, Wood MJ. Lineshapes of consecutive transitions in ytterbium. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 1998, 31(22), 4919-4927.
Book Chapter
- Vassilevski K, Hedley J, Horsfall AB, Johnson CM, Wright NG. Reactive ion etching of Silicon Carbide with patterned Boron implantation. In: Madar, R., Camassel, J., Blanquet, E, ed. Materials Science Forum: Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2003. Zurich-Uetikon: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2004, pp.925-928.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Ashelaish H, Hedley J, Keegan N. High radio frequency biosensor for a nano-concentration detection of the label free Prostate Specific Antigen cancerous cells. In: European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC 2017) and Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (NBC 2017). 2017, Tampere, Finland: Springer.
- Torres I, Eland L, Redfern C, Hedley J. Design of a Mems device for studying cell migration and differentiation. In: 2017 IEEE Sensors. 2017, Glasgow, UK: IEEE.
- Izci D, Dale C, Keegan N, Hedley J. Design and construction of a high sensitive graphene magnetosensing system. In: IEEE Sensors 2017. 2017, Glasgow, UK: IEEE.
- Dale C, Fu C, Grigg HTD, Spoors J, McNeil CJ, Burdess JS, Hedley J, Gallacher BJ, Keegan N. Novel non-planar SAW transducers for next generation biological sensors. In: 6th Internation Conference and Exhibition on Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 2016, Phoenix, USA: Omics Publishing Group.
- Cheong A, Lau MWS, Foo E, Hedley J, Bo JW. Development of a Robotic Waiter System. In: 7th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems MECHATRONICS 2016. 2016, Loughborough University, Leicestershire: Elsevier B.V.
- Shi Y, Huo D, Zhao Y, Al-Shibaany ZYA, Hedley J. Investigation of micro milling of lithium niobate for biosensor applications. In: 15th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, EUSPEN 2015. 2015, Leuven, Belgium: euspen.
- Al-Shibaany ZYA, Hedley J, Hu ZX. Degenerate Modes of Operation in Lithium Niobate Sensors. In: 2015 IEEE SENSORS. 2015, Busan, South Korea: IEEE.
- Al-Shibaany ZYA, Choong ZJ, Huo D, Hedley J, Hu ZX. CNC Machining of Lithium Niobate for Rapid Prototyping of Sensors. In: 2015 IEEE SENSORS. 2015, Busan, South Korea: IEEE.
- Al-Shibaany ZYA, Hedley J, Huo DH, Hu ZX. Micromachining Lithium Niobate for Rapid Prototyping of Resonant Biosensors. In: 27th International Conference on CADCAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future 2014 (CARs & FoF). 2014, London: Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd.
- Keegan N, Hedley J, Hu ZX, Spoors JA, Waugh W, Gallacher BJ. Piezoelectrically Actuated Circular Diaphragm Resonator Mass Sensors. In: 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS). 2012, Kyoto, Japan: IEEE.
- Al-Shibaany ZY, Hedley J, Bicker R. Design of an Adaptive Neural Kinematic Controller for a National Instrument Mobile Robot System. In: 2012 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEM, COMPUTING AND ENGINEERING (ICCSCE 2012). 2012, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA: IEEE.
- Dewanto R, Dale C, Hu ZX, Keegan N, Gallacher B, Hedley J. Characterization of Strain Fields in Graphene Films. In: 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS). 2012, Kyoto, Japan: IEEE.
- Velten T, Biehl M, Haberer W, Koch T, Ortiz P, Keegan N, Spoors J, Hedley J, McNeil C. Packaging of a silicon-based biochip. In: Reliability, Packaging, Testing, and Characterization of MEMS/MOEMS and Nanodevices VIII. 2009, San Jose, California, USA: SPIE.
- Ortiz P, Keegan N, Spoors J, Hedley J, Harris A, Burdess J, Burnett R, Velten T, Biehl M, Knoll T, Haberer W, Solomon M, Campitelli A, McNeil C. Integration of a bioMEMS device into a disposable microfluidic cartridge for medical diagnostics. In: Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems VII. 2009, San Jose, California, USA: SPIE.
- Keegan N, Suarez G, Spoors JA, Ortiz P, Hedley J, McNeil CJ. A microfabrication compatible approach to 3-dimensional patterning of bio-molecules at Bio-MEMS and biosensor surfaces. In: Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS). 2009, Beijing, China: IEEE.
- Ortiz P, Keegan N, Spoors J, Hedley J, Harris A, Burdess J, Burnett R, Biehl M, Haberer W, Velten T, Solomon M, Campitelli A, McNeil C. A Cancer Diagnostics Biosensor System Based on Micro- and Nano-technologies. In: Nano-Net: 4th International ICST Conference. 2009, Lucerne, Switzerland: Springer.
- Hedley J, Hu Z, Arce-Garcia I, Gallacher BJ. Mode shape and failure analysis of high frequency MEMS/NEMS using Raman spectroscopy. In: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, NEMS. 2008, Sanya, Hainan Island, China: IEEE.
- Ortiz P, Keegan N, Spoors J, Hedley J, Harris A, Burdess J, Burnett R, Velten T, Biehl M, Knoll T, Haberer W, Solomon M, Campitelli A, McNeil C. A hybrid microfluidic system for cancer diagnosis based on MEMS biosensors. In: IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS 2008). 2008, Baltimore, MD: IEEE.
- Ortiz P, Keegan N, Spoors J, Hedley J, Harris A, Burdess J, Burnett R, Velten T, Biehl M, Knoll T, Haberer W, Solomon M, Campitelli A, McNeil C. A hybrid MEMS-based microfluidic system for cancer diagnosis. In: Biomedical Applications of Micro- and Nanoengineering IV and Complex Systems. 2008, Melbourne, Australia: SPIE.
- Ismail A, Burdess J, Harris A, McNeil C, Hedley J, Chang S, Suarez G. The principle of a MEMS circular diaphragm mass sensor. In: Institution of Engineering and Technology Seminar on MEMS Sensors and Actuators (ICEPT). 2006, London, UK: Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Suárez G, Ismail A, Jackson R, Chang S, Harris A, Burdess J, Hedley J, McNeil C. Direct adsorption of chemically modified biomolecules onto gold: A rapid method for biological functionalization of mems. In: Institution of Engineering and Technology Seminar on MEMS Sensors and Actuators (ICEPT). 2006, London, UK: Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Suarez G, Ismail AK, Jackson R, Harris AJ, Burdess JS, Hedley J, McNeil CJ. A novel MEMs based generic mass sensor system for (bio)analytical detection. In: Biosensors. 2006, Toronto, Canada.
- Enderling S, Brown III CL, Balakrishnan M, Hedley J, Stevenson JTM, Bond S, Dunare CC, Harris AJ, Burdess JS, Mitkova M, Kozicki MN, Walton AJ. Integration of a novel electrochemical tuning scheme with MEMS surface micromachined resonators. In: Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). 2005, Miami Beach, Florida, USA: IEEE.
- Kozicki MN, Brown III CL, Mitkova M, Enderling S, Hedley J, Walton AJ. Application of mass transport in solid electrolyte films in tunable microelectromechanical resonators. In: NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (NSTI Nanotech 2005). 2005, Anaheim, California, USA: Nano Science and Technology Institute.
- Burdess JS, Harris AJ, Gallacher BJ, Hedley J. Vibrating and resonant MEMS sensors. In: 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science. 2004, Tianjin, China: China Machine Press.
- Gallacher J, Burdess JS, Harris AJ, Hedley J. The application of parametric excitation to a micro-ring gyroscope. In: Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (Nanotech). 2004, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: CRC Press.
- Vassilevski KV, Hedley J, Horsfall AB, Johnson CM, Wright NG. Reactive ion etching of silicon carbide with patterned boron implantation. In: 10th International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM 2003). 2004, Lyon, France: Materials Science Forum: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Suarex G, Jackson RJ, McNeil CJ, Hedley J. Oriented introduction of disulphide groups onto glycoproteins by chemical manipulation. In: 8th World Congress on Biosensors. 2004, Granada, Spain.
- Suarez G, Jackson RJ, McNeil CJ, Burdess JS, Harris AJ, Hedley J. Oriented integration of glycoproteins onto a generic mass sensor system. In: Eurosensors XVIII. 2004, Rome, Italy.
- Cumpson PJ, Hedley J, Clifford CA, Chen XY, Allen S. Microelectromechanical system device for calibration of atomic force microscope cantilever spring constants, between 0.01 and 4 N/m. In: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: 50th AVS International Symposium. 2004, Baltimore, Maryland, USA: American Institute of Physics.
- Enderling S, Jiang L, Ross AWS, Bond S, Hedley J, Harris AJ, Burdess JS, Cheung R, Zorman CA, Mehregany M, Walton AJ. MEMS resonator tuning using focused ion beam platinum deposition. In: NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (NSTI Nanotech 2004). 2004, Boston, MA: Nano Science and Technology Institute.
- Gallacher BJ, Hedley J, Burdess JS, Harris AJ, Rickard A, King D. Electrostatic tuning of a micro-ring gyroscope. In: NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (NSTI Nanotech 2004). 2004, Boston, MA: Nano Science and Technology Institute.
- Gallacher BJ, Hedley J, Burdess JS, Harris AJ, Rickard A, King D. Electrostatic tuning of a micro-ring gyroscope. In: Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (Nanotech). 2004, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: CRC Press.
- Hedley J, Burdess JS, Harris AJ, Gallacher BJ. Device characterization at the wafer level via optical actuation and detection. In: NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (NSTI Nanotech 2004). 2004, Boston, MA: Nano Science and Technology Institute.
- Hedley J, Burdess JS, Harris AJ, Gallacher BJ. Device characterization at the wafer level via optical actuation and detection. In: Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (Nanotech). 2004, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: CRC Press.
- Hedley J, Burdess JS, Harris AJ, Gallacher BJ, McNeil CJ, Cumpson PJ, Enderling S. An optical workstation for characterization and modification of MEMS. In: Optical Micro- and Nanometrology in Manufacturing Technology. 2004, Strasbourg, France: SPIE.
- Cumpson PJ, Hedley J. A microfabricated spring-constant calibration device for atomic force microscopy (AFM) potentially traceable to the SI. In: Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements Digest. 2004, London: IEEE.
- Hedley J, McNeil CJ, Burdess JS, Harris AJ, Dobson MG, Suarez G, Berney H. A generic sensor for ultra low analyte concentration detection. In: NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (NSTI Nanotech 2004). 2004, Boston, MA: Nano Science and Technology Institute.
- Hedley J, McNeil CJ, Burdess JS, Harris AJ, Dobson MG, Suarez G, Berney H. A generic sensor for ultra low analyte concentration detection. In: Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (Nanotech). 2004, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: CRC Press.
- Gallacher BJ, Hedley J, Burdess JS, Harris AJ. Frequency tuning of silicon micromechanical cantilevers by laser ablation. In: NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (NSTI Nanotech 2003). 2003, San Francisco, California, USA: Nano Science and Technology Institute.
- Gallacher BJ, Hedley J, Burdess JS, Harris AJ. Frequency tuning of silicon micromechanical cantilevers by laser ablation. In: Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (Nanotech). 2003, San Francisco, California, USA: Computational Publications.
- Burdess JS, Harris AJ, Gallacher BJ, Hedley J. [Keynote talk] Vibrating and resonant MEMS sensors. In: 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science. 2003, Tiangin, China: China Machinery Press.
- Hedley J, Harris A, Burdess J, McNie M. The development of a workstation for optical testing and modification of IMEMS on a wafer. In: Design, Test, Integration, and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS 2001. 2001, Cannes, France: SPIE.
- Bowden M, Gardiner DJ, Lourenco MA, Hedley J, Wood D, Burdess JS, Harris AJ. Dopant mapping and strain analysis in B doped silicon structures using micro-Raman spectroscopy. In: 1998 MRS Spring Symposium. 1998, San Francisco, CA, USA: Materials Research Society.