Newcastle University Academic Track Fellowships
Leading discovery, nurturing talent.
About NUAcT
The Newcastle University Academic Track Fellowship scheme aims to find and develop our research leaders of the future. Since launching in 2018 the Scheme has appointed 70 Fellows in diverse research areas across the University. We are investing £30m over five years to support the careers of around 100 NUAcT and NUPAcT (Partnership) Fellows.
"We hope that you share our vision to enhance our diversity and creativity, and contribute towards a fully inclusive and collaborative research culture where everyone’s ideas thrive."
The offer
If you join the scheme you will receive an outstanding package of support. We offer you 5 years’ salary, which is fully flexible (full time or part time), up to £50K research expenses and a PhD studentship. Subject to a successful review, you will move to an open-ended academic contract at the end of your 5 years, and we have a dedicated NUAcT Team who support you throughout your Fellowship.
Our world-class facilities and the excellence of our research across wide-ranging disciplines gives Fellows the freedom and opportunity to excel and succeed. We are also fully committed to the professional development of our next generation of researchers, ensuring that you are supported towards a full academic position through mentorship and personalised career development training tailored to your individual needs.
Our vision
Newcastle University attracts excellent researchers, not least because of the ambition, enthusiasm and teamwork of our staff. We believe that the major challenges of the future will only be answered by collaborative teams that are diverse in career stage, career pathway, disciplinary background, experience and personal characteristics and that Newcastle University is ideally placed to build such teams. We hope that you share our vision to enhance our diversity and creativity, and contribute towards a fully inclusive and collaborative research culture where everyone’s ideas thrive. We very much look forward to hearing from you.