Staff Profile
Dr Adam Stokes
NUAcT Fellow: Physical & Natural Science
- Email:
- Telephone: 0191 2087236
I am a theoretical physicist and NUAcT fellow primarily aligned with the Quantum Matter group within the School of Maths, Stats, and Physics. I completed my Ph.D. in theoretical quantum electrodynamics at the University of Leeds in 2014. I subsequently held a post-doctoral research position based at Leeds and the University of Oxford, and funded by the National Network of Quantum Technology Hubs until mid-2016. I then joined the Manchester Noisy Quantum Systems group at the University of Manchester, until joining Newcastle University in November 2021.
My research interests broadly span the following areas of quantum physics:
- Non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics (QED) of atoms and molecules
- Ultrastrong-coupling light-matter interactions in cavity and circuit QED systems
- Open quantum systems theory and quantum thermodynamics
Module Leader, PHY8044: Quantum Information and Technology
- Stokes A, Riley H, Nazir A. The Gauge-Relativity of Quantum Light, Matter, and Information. Open Systems & Information Dynamics 2023, 30(3), 2350016.
- Rouse, D, Stokes, A, Nazir, A. Theory of photon condensation in an arbitrary-gauge condensed matter cavity model. Physical Review B 2023, 107, 205128.
- Riley H, Stokes A, Nazir A. The Gauge-Relativity of Quantum Light, Matter, and Information. Open Systems & Information Dynamics 2023, 30(03), 2350016.
- Stokes, A, Nazir, A. Gauge non-invariance due to material truncation in ultrastrong-coupling quantum electrodynamics. Nature Physics 2023, 20, 376-378.
- Stokes, A. Nonconjugate quantum subsystems. Physical Review E 2022, 106, 034111.
- Stokes A, Nazir A. Ultrastrong time-dependent light-matter interactions are gauge relative. Physical Review Research 2021, 3(1), 013116.
- Stokes A, Nazir A. Identification of Poincaré-gauge and multipolar nonrelativistic theories of QED. Physical Review A 2021, 104(3), 032227.
- Stokes A, Nazir A. Uniqueness of the phase transition in many-dipole cavity quantum electrodynamical systems. Physical Review Letters 2020, 125(14), 143603.
- Stokes A, Nazir A. Gauge non-invariance due to material truncation in ultrastrong-coupling QED. 2020.
- Clark LA, Stokes A, Beige A. Quantum jump metrology. Physical Review A 2019, 99(2), 022102.
- Stokes A, Nazir A. Gauge ambiguities imply Jaynes-Cummings physics remains valid in ultrastrong coupling QED. Nature communications 2019, 10(1), 1-9.
- Stokes A. Vacuum source-field correlations and advanced waves in quantum optics. Quantum 2018, 2, 46.
- Stokes A, Nazir A. A master equation for strongly interacting dipoles. New Journal of Physics 2018, 20(4), 043022.
- Stokes A, Deb P, Beige A. Using thermodynamics to identify quantum subsystems. Journal of Modern Optics 2017, 64(sup4), S7-S19.
- Clark AL, Stokes A, Beige A. Quantum-enhanced metrology with the single-mode coherent states of an optical cavity inside a quantum feedback loop. Physical Review A 2016, 94(2), 023840.
- Stokes A. Quantum optical dipole radiation fields. European Journal of Physics 2016, 37(3), 034001.
- Stokes A, Bennet R. The Casimir effect for fields with arbitrary spin. Annals of Physics 2015, 360, 246-267.
- Stokes A, Beige A. An alternative electric-field spectrum for laser-driven atomic systems. The European Physical Journal D 2015, 69(5), 1-9.
- Stokes A. A generalized bag-like boundary condition for fields with arbitrary spin. New Journal of Physics 2015, 17(7), 073012.
- Stokes A. On the gauge of the natural lineshape. Journal of physics B 2013, 46(14), 145505.
- Stokes A. Noncovariant gauge fixing in the quantum Dirac field theory of atoms and molecules. Physical Review A 2012, 86(1), 012511.
- Stokes A, Kurcz A, Spiller TP, Beige A. Extending the validity range of quantum optical master equations. Physical Review A 2012, 85(5), 053805.
- Hallwood DW, Stokes A, Jessica JC, Dunningham J. Measuring atomic NOON-states and using them to make precision measurements. New Journal of Physics 2009, 11(10), 103040.
- Stokes A, Nazir A. Implications of gauge-freedom for nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics. Reviews of Modern Physics 2022. In Press.