Centre for Research on Entrepreneurship, Wealth and Philanthropy


Private Philanthropy, Civil Society and Inclusive Development

Prof Roy Suddaby led a panel discussion at the annual Victoria Forum "Canada@150: Promoting Diversity & Inclusion"

Date/Time: 19 November 2017

Venue: Victoria University, Vancouver Island

The panel, joined by Prof Charles Harvey, focused on exploring the role of private philanthropy and civil society in promoting social inclusion and innovation. At the international level, foundations are emerging as a potent force in systemic social change as demonstrated by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Aga Khan Foundation, the MasterCard Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Network. Less well known is the work that philanthropy does to promote social inclusion and innovation within communities in Canada, or examples of philanthropy working in partnership with other institutions, including government, social enterprises and corporate funders. Critics express concerns about the lack of transparency and accountability of private philanthropy. Proponents argue that private philanthropy offers creative and entrepreneurial solutions to persistent social issues that traditional institutions have failed to resolve.

Victoria Forum
from l-r: Roy Suddaby, Peter Elson, James Stauch, Sandra Hucaluk, Charles Harvey, Robin McLay