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Strength and Conditioning

Helping you realise your peak performance in sport.

What Do We Do

Newcastle’s strength and conditioning department supports high performance student-athletes in their pursuit of sporting excellence. We provide individualised coaching delivered within a programme of athletic development and injury mitigation.

Why Do We Do It

S&C improves physical performance qualities while developing the necessary durability and resilience that underpins athletic robustness. This is essential to tolerate the demands of the sport and ultimately increases athlete availability to train and compete.

How Do We Do It

Coaching Philosophy
S&C is first and foremost a support service that serves to screen athletes, identify deficits and raise capabilities. This process builds a road map for athletes to better bridge the gap between their current levels and those observed at the highest levels.

“We believe sport is a vital part of the university student experience.”

Session Details

Training runs throughout both the competitive season and the vacation period. Typical training sessions involve:

  • physical literacy
  • weightlifting
  • speed, agility and/or plyometrics
  • (P)rehabilitation


Our coaches set high standards and hold you to those standards, your commitment to training will develop a healthy work ethic. You will grow skills in accountability, responsibility and discipline.

“Does your behaviour match your goals?”

We will always explain the reasoning behind the prescribed exercise. Understanding the ‘whys’ behind your training programme will ensure that you stay motivated and focused. Hopefully after your time with us you will graduate as a self-sufficient trainer capable of directing your own training and using those skills in all departments of your life.

Meet the Coaches