Selected Papers
Influencing policy through research at CURDS
Throughout its 40 year history staff at CURDS have not only published highly esteemed, peer reviewed academic papers (see our 40th anniversary ‘virtual special issue’ for a sample of some of these) but have also produced influential reports that have shaped policy agendas locally, nationally and internationally. A selection of these is available below, some of which are in electronic form for the first time. For our most recent research reports please click here.
- Business growth training
- Call centre teleworking
- Core cities
- CVCP Universities and Communities
- Islamic charitable infrastructure
- Mobilisation of Indigenous Potential
- ODPM Migration report
- Public sector relocation
- TTWA report
- Regional incentives
- Reinventing the civic university
- Review of Telework in Britain
- The effects of new information technology
- 1991 Deprivation Index