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Join us on LinkedIn and other social media

Become a member of our exclusive LinkedIn 'Alumni of Newcastle University' group or follow us on Facebook, Instagram or X to stay up to date and grow your network

Connect on LinkedIn

Linked in houses a ready-made professional network at your fingertips. With more than 270,000 Newcastle University alumni around the world, it is a great place to make connections. Join us on LinkedIn to:

  • Browse alumni working in your industry or location. Make new connections and grow your professional and personal network.
  • Advertise roles you are recruiting for to a pool of fellow Newcastle graduates.
  • Share your news and achievements - whether work-related or not.
  • Find a mentor or seek expert advice from your alumni community.
  • Keep up-to-date with the latest news, events and developments from Newcastle University.

Our exclusive alumni-only private LinkedIn group is the perfect forum for you to speak directly to your fellow graduates.

The group is run and administered by the University’s Advancement Office. However, any members are free to post their news or requests (and we strongly encourage you to do so). All you need is a personal LinkedIn account.

Find us on other social media

Keep in touch with Newcastle University and your global alumni community on social media. Join your fellow alumni in looking back fondly on your student days, reconnect with long-lost friends or make new professional and personal connections. Follow @nclalumni on Facebook, Instagram and X.

Share your story

If you have any news or announcements you'd like us to share on social media, please complete this form.