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Support Our Students

Find out how your donation could help students from all backgrounds benefit from the full experience of a Newcastle University education.

We're committed to providing all our students with an education for life - one that engages, challenges and supports students to discover and fulfil their potential.

We want to help students overcome the barriers they face in reaching and flourishing in higher education. And, as our students face the challenge of higher costs of living, your support has never been more important.

30% of UK home students this year are from socio-economically challenged backgrounds.
Private rental costs in Newcastle have increased by 7% since January 2022. (ONS, 2024)
Student loans do not cover living costs for 58% of students. (ONS 2023)
1 in 4 students regularly go without food because they cannot afford it.

The Newcastle University Student Fund

All students should experience what makes belonging to Newcastle University so special. The Newcastle University Student Fund is designed to widen access to higher education. It helps students make the most of their experience, creates opportunities for the future and offers help when times get tough.The Newcastle University Student Fund provides:

  • bursaries for estranged students and students who have left care
  • funding to final year students to help with costs associated with interviews and taking the next step after graduation
  • bursaries to allow students to take part in extra-curricular activities
  • subsidised access to Students’ Union clubs and societies
  • free period products in 30 locations across campus
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Wheelchair basketball


Thousands of our students rely on financial aid to support their education. Our scholarship programmes are designed to meet the individual needs of our students as effectively as possible.

Students in receipt of scholarships are also offered support from our wellbeing team during their studies. And, they have access to volunteering and/or paid work experience opportunities through our careers service.

If you would like to know more about setting up a scholarship at Newcastle University please contact Alexa Charlton at

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