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Support for Alumni Entrepreneurs

Our award-winning START UP team can help any alumni who want to start or grow a business, freelance career or social enterprise.

What is START-UP?

We are proud of the many alumni-founded businesses that started life at Newcastle University. This includes luxury sportswear brands, innovative tech solutions – and even a brewery.

Over 200 businesses have benefitted from START UP support, leading to a total annual turnover of £155 million and over 1,140 new jobs created.


START-UP support for alumni

Graduated in the last 3 years?

For the first three years after you graduate, you can enlist the help of our award-winning START UP team to realise your dreams of launching your own business or freelance career. This includes guidance on funding, skills development and finding a mentor.

Whether you’re just curious about launching a business or you're already bossing it, we'll support you and your goals at every stage of your start-up journey. From pre-idea to launch and beyond. We provide:

  • One-to-one confidential advice and coaching, tailored to your individual needs.
  • Events and workshops to learn and meet a network of like-minded entrepreneurs and creatives.
  • Equity-free grant funding of up to £3,000 for UK-based business opportunities.
  • START UP Founderships, a six-month business pre-accelerator programme.
  • Co-working spaces on campus.
Graduated more than 3 years ago?

For alumni who graduated longer than three years ago, we have a wealth of digital resources and inspiring stories to help you on your journey to becoming your own boss.

And if you're based locally, we can help connect you to Newcastle's vibrant start-up scene and provide co-working spaces where you can meet like-minded people. View all the regional support on offer.

Dami Fawehinmi, Navii Media


START UP provided funding, mentorship, guidance and support. When you're starting a new business or a new venture, you shouldn't do it alone, there is always someone out there that can help you through it

Dami Fawehinmi, Navii Media