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Alumni Network leads

Alumni network leads are graduates who run our networks, groups and societies on behalf of Newcastle.

What are Alumni Network leads?  

Alumni network leads are graduates who run our networks, groups and societies on behalf of Newcastle. They help provide a more formal network of alumni who are linked by a common theme. This could be location, degree, activity, or any other area of commonality.  

Without our dedicated network leads, these alumni networks would be impossible to run. They provide the structure to allow alumni to stay in touch with each other and their university.  

What volunteering activity can I undertake as a Network lead?  

Being a network lead who organises and leads a particular network is a great way to volunteer. However, there may be other ways to get involved by joining an existing network committee.  

What’s a current opportunity I can get involved with?  

There are many existing alumni networks, who are always on the lookout for keen alumni to help keep them running.  

However, if one of these doesn’t fit your area of interest or location you are very welcome to set up your own network.  

How do I get involved?  

Browse our current alumni networks here and find out how to join.

Whether you're looking for professional contacts, sports or socialising, joining an alumni network is a great way to connect. As you share interests and build your networks, you'll also be keeping links with your University community alive.  

Start your own alumni network  

Can’t find an alumni network that fills the bill? Get in touch today to find out how we can support you to set up your ideal alumni network.  

Find out more information about getting started with an alumni network here.