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Overseas exam arrangements

For students who would like to take resit or deferred in-person exams in their home country.

Overseas exams

If you have a permanent home address outside of the UK then you may be able to take resit or deferred exams in your home country during the three exam periods.

Overseas Exam Application Dates 2024

Please ensure you have checked with your school which exam period your examination falls into before applying. 

SemesterApplications openApplications close
Semester One Exams 11 October 2023 8 November 2023
Semester Two Exams 29 January 2024 23 February 2024
Resit and Deferred Exams 10 June 2024 4 July 2024

Students who are due to have exams in more than one exam period should apply for these exams seperately, in the relevant application window. 


August Exam Period 2024


This service is only for students whose home address is not in the UK. Applications will not be considered if you are on a holiday or overseas trip during the exam period.

If you have been subject to an exam misconduct ruling then you are not permitted to apply.

If you have been granted any alternative exam arrangements other than ‘extra time’ (e.g. rest breaks, use of a PC, individual room etc.), please be aware that the University cannot guarantee that this can be provided by your overseas exam venue. This will be considered on a case by case basis.


To ensure the integrity of our exams process and that our requirements can be met, we are only able to offer overseas exams at one of our pre-approved overseas exam hosts.
Full list of approved exam venues

What do I do if there isn’t an approved venue in my country?
You will have the opportunity to take exams at the closest or most convenient venue for you to travel to, or to return to Newcastle to take your exams here.
If there are exceptional circumstances as to why you are unable to travel to an approved venue or return to Newcastle, then you are advised to contact your School to discuss your PEC options.

Am I permitted to sit at a venue that is not on the list?
If there is already an approved venue in your home country or in the surrounding region then you would be expected to travel to the nearest approved venue.
For regions where there are no approved exam venues listed, it is likely that you will need to return to Newcastle to sit your exams. If there are exceptional circumstances as to why you are unable to travel to an approved venue or return to Newcastle, then you are advised to contact your School to discuss your PEC options.

Costs and fees

A postage and administration charge of £100 will be payable to the University, this is a flat fee regardles of the number of exams you will be sitting. Your exam venue will also charge a fee for invigilation and use of their premises. You must contact them for information on local charges.

You must pay both University and British Council fees before your exam takes place.

How to apply

1. Check your eligibility (see above)

2. Check your results – you only need to apply to sit exams which you have either failed or deferred. Check with your School Office if you are unsure which exams you need to take.

3. Check the format of the assessment – you only need to apply to take in-person exams at an overseas venue. Check with your module leader or School Office if you are unsure of the format of your reassessment.

  • You do not need to apply to take 24hr/48hr take home exams or alternative assessments (e.g. essays) overseas
  • To note: if the format of the assessment is an in-person digital exam, you will only be permitted to take the exam overseas if the exam can be sat as a paper version (i.e. you can handwrite your answers), please check with your School if this is possible before applying.

4. Select a venue from the approved list. We advise you to contact the venue directly to register with them and discus exam fees

5. Complete the online applications – You will first need to complete the webstore form to pay the administration fee, once the fee has been paid you should complete the Overseas Exam application form 

  • To complete the application, you will need to provide your student details, your exam details (i.e. module codes) and you will need tell us which of our approved venues you will sit your exams at.
  • The application closes on 4 July – no late applications can be considered.

6. Next steps – following your application, we will liaise with the exam venues to start making arrangements. Once the exam timetable has been released we will send you an exam timetable with confirmed local start times.

Exam rules

The same rules apply to all exams whether they are held on or off campus. For full policy details: