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Introductory Information

Introductory information for new students.

Key Dates

You can find the university term dates here.



The undergraduate academic year is organised into three terms. Major holidays (Christmas and Easter) occur between terms. The undergraduate academic year is ALSO organised into two semesters.

For new undergraduate students’ semester 1 will include 1 week online induction, 2 weeks blended induction and for returning students 2 weeks of induction will commence on 5 October 2020.  There will be 9 teaching weeks commencing on 19 October 2020, 2 enrichment weeks.  Semester 2 will follow a similar pattern.

You are expected to participate in all timetabled activities and engage in classes and group learning activities.



The postgraduate academic year is organised within the general framework of three terms/ three semesters, with a dissertation undertaken wholly or in part during the Sem 3 period June to August.

Examination dates: The exam dates are available

University Timetables

Once registered on your programme, you can access a personalised timetable using the Student Portal which also has information on moving around campus safely, managing your Library and print accounts and finding places for private study. You can also view module, programme and individual timetables on the student timetables website where there is a guide for on how to understand your timetable and links to maps of the teaching campus.

If your degree programme has an optional component, your personal or stage tutors will advise you on the best module options to suit your particular academic interests.

Contact hours and the amount of self-directed study can differ between subjects, but you should expect to attend classes on most days and between the hours of 9am and 6.30pm Monday to Thursday and 9am and 5.30pm on Fridays.

Timetables can change at short notice during the year – so please check them regularly.

Student Charter and Offer

Newcastle University and the School aim to provide a high standard of teaching and a rich academic environment in which to learn and study. To this end, you will find that much of a staff member’s time, particularly during term-time, is devoted to all the aspects of teaching. You should, however, be aware of the other academic activities – both research and outside engagement – that staff members undertake and which make calls upon their time. The Student Charter clarifies exactly what you can expect from the University during your time on campus. In summary, you can expect the University and School to:

  • Provide a modern curriculum and high standards of teaching
  • Provide relevant information about the degree programme and individual modules
  • Provide opportunities for you to develop graduate and research skills
  • Provide access to an excellent library and IT facilities
  • Work with you to listen to student feedback and shape the University experience
  • Publish clear information on programme costs, payment options and any additional costs
  • Provide clear deadlines for assignments and timeframes in which you will receive feedback
  • Notify you in advance of any planned changes to the curriculum and timetable
  • Provide academic and personal support, through the personal tutoring system and professional support services
  • Ensure that all assessments are relevant and well-matched to each stage of your study.


As a University student, you must take responsibility for your own approach to studying and learning. The emphasis during scheduled activities will be on providing information and ideas, but you are expected to make the best use of the information that is presented to you. This requires regular attendance at all sessions in your timetable and submission of all assignments by the due dates. It also requires considerable study outside formal contact hours. In particular, the Student Charter clarifies exactly what is expected of all students.


In summary, you are expected to:

  • Attend and participate in all timetabled activities
  • Familiarise yourself with all information provided by the University and follow recognised procedures
  • Take responsibility for your own learning and devote the necessary time in private study to understand and learn the material
  • Submit all work on time and collect your feedback when it is returned
  • Seek help if you are encountering any difficulties and tell your personal tutor of any health or personal problems that could affect your work
  • Work with your student representatives to ensure that you make staff aware of any problems or things working well in the School
  • Complete feedback forms such as module evaluation forms and surveys to help the School and University improve


As a University student, you are expected to maintain the highest levels of behaviour and consideration toward other students, staff and members of the wider community.  The University expects students to conduct themselves in a reasonable and appropriate manner at all times, both on and off campus, to foster mutual respect and understanding.  This includes:

  • Behaving and communicating in ways that are unlikely to offend others.
  • Complying with all reasonable requests from staff
  • Being considerate to neighbours, especially in relation to noise levels and rubbish
  • Acting within the law.


To register at the University, you must accept the following declaration as part of the online registration process. 'I hereby promise to conform to the discipline of the University and to all statutes, regulations and rules in force for the time being in so far as they concern me'. The Student Discipline procedure can be accessed via the following link


The Newcastle Offer provides additional explanation about what the University offers undergraduate students for their fees and explains how the University delivers on its promises. More information on the Newcastle Offer is available here: you must be logged on to read this).

The Statement of the Taught Postgraduate Offer provides an additional explanation about what the University offers postgraduate taught students, our philosophy and commitment. The statement is available here (note you must be logged on to read this).


The University wishes to support all students to the completion of a programme of study and we know that good engagement with their programme plays an important part in successful outcomes. It is important that all students adhere to the terms of the Student Charter and interact with learning activities and attend all timetabled sessions provided in a punctual manner. The University also has an obligation to monitor the attendance of international students and to report to UK Visa and Immigration, any student who is located in the UK who is not engaging with their studies and may be presumed to have withdrawn .

Attendance at classes and engagement with the canvas activities is monitored to help us to identify, contact and support at an early stage any student who lack of interaction gives us cause for concern. On some degree programmes most or all in-person classes are monitored, and in others just a proportion. We use the SMART card scanners located throughout campus to record attendance and your attendance at timetabled classes is recorded whenever you are asked to scan your SMART card. Different degree programmes record attendance at different types of classes and your programme’s policy on which types of classes it monitors should be made clear to you at induction.

If you are unable to attend for any length of time (more than 3 days absence), you should notify your School by promptly submitting an absence request form along with any necessary evidence. You can do this through the Student Portal. 

International students should also seek approval for vacations or plans to leave the UK in the summer period, as this may have implications for your visa.

A significant number of absences could mean that your School may consider that you are not making ‘satisfactory progress’ and action may be taken under the University General Regulations that could result in termination of your programme of study. International students should note that persistent and unauthorised/unexplained absence, even for compassionate and compelling reasons, may be communicated to UK Visas and Immigration which could result in your UK visa being curtailed.

See for more information on University attendance requirements.

Student Portal

You can use the Student Portal system to:

  • Register on your programme of study
  • Keep details (addresses, etc.) up to date
  • Pay fees online
  • View and print documentation to confirm your student status (e.g. for council tax purposes).
  • Confirm module choices for the next academic year
  • Report an absence to your School.
  • Submit a Personal Extenuating Circumstance (PEC) form

Find out more about the Student Portal

Log in to the Student Portal

Remember that the Student Portal does not use your campus login details. You will need your campus username and a DIFFERENT password.