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Athena Swan Awards

We are proud to hold eight departmental Bronze Athena Swan awards and one Silver award in our Schools.

Supporting gender equality

The Athena Swan Charter is a global scheme for supporting and transforming gender equality within higher education (HE) and research.

At the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS), we hold eight departmental Bronze Athena Swan awards and one Silver award in our Schools. You can find these listed further down this page. We recently undertook the challenge to work towards a Faculty Silver Award which was successful and awarded on 1st August 2024. The Faculty Silver Award covers all existing nine Schools and includes our newest department, School X.

This work was supported by the Athena Swan self-assessment team (SAT). This SAT was chaired by Prof. Kate Chedgzoy and Susan Mosher (Faculty Partnerships Manager) served as the project leader for the Faculty Silver Project; supported by Kelechi Dibie (HaSS Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Advisor) and Rachel Pain (Director of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) who were also members of the core team.

Athena Swan Gender Charter Silver Award logo

Why are we undertaking this work?

The Charter has recently been updated to reflect a more inclusive, intersectional approach. It is offering us new opportunities to:

  • structure an application around our own priorities
  • work intersectionally to integrate our commitments under our recent Race Equality Charter Bronze Award into our gender equality work
  • address other identities and inequalities

This latest Athena Swan application reflects the continued commitment of both the Faculty and the University as a whole to the development of a diverse and fully inclusive community for both students and staff.

Nigel Harkness, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Humanities and Social Sciences

Applying as a Faculty, rather than as individual Schools, allows us to:

  • develop a coherent and ambitious Faculty-wide equality, diversity and inclusion action plan
  • amplify the work for equality already underway and expand it beyond gender to other group with protected characteristics
  • include all our staff and postgraduate researchers, not just those who work in the nine Schools that have made submissions so far
  • pool data to identify patterns and issues not visible at a unit level, enable more nuanced analysis, and address intersectionality more effectively
  • tackle areas of shared concern effectively, and address bigger and cross-cutting issues that lie outside the immediate control of each unit, achieving more rapid and large-scale change
  • exchange and embed good practices

Current Faculty awards

As of late 2022, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences holds eight departmental Bronze Athena Swan awards in the Schools of:

  • Architecture, Planning and Landscape
  • Arts and Culture
  • Education, Communication & Language Sciences
  • English Literature, Language and Linguistics
  • History, Classics and Archaeology
  • Modern Languages
  • Newcastle Law School
  • Newcastle University Business School

In addition, we hold one Silver Athena Swan award in the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology.

Read more about the Athena Swan Charter.

If you have questions or for any further information, please contact Kelechi Dibie, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Advisor for our Faculty.