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Our Trials and Studies

Find out about the trials and studies managed by Newcastle Clinical Trials Unit (NCTU).

Current portfolio

NCTU currently manage over 40 active interventional trials and studies including those in rare disease, public health and social care, cardiovascular, ageing, cancer and mental health.

Our portfolio of trials includes:

  • Clinical Trials of an Investigational Medicinal Product (CTIMPs)  -  A key part of our research portfolio are Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products (CTIMPS) also known as interventional drug trials.  We have expertise in Phase I to Phase III trials and experience of managing clinical trials involving Advanced Therapy Investigational Medical Products (ATIMPs).We manage placebo-controlled trials, head-to-head trials of two or more drugs, and drug versus no intervention trials, all in full compliance with the clinical trials regulations. These trials are funded by industry, NIHR, research councils and medical charities.
  • Surgical Trials  -  Our surgical trials portfolio includes head-to-head comparisons of different surgical techniques, as well as comparisons of surgical versus medical treatments.  These trials are funded by NIHR and medical charities.
  • Medical Device Trials  -  Our medical device portfolio includes both clinical investigations of non-CE marked devices and CE marked device trials.  These trials are funded by NIHR.
  • Rare Disease Trials  -  Newcastle has stellar track record in rare disease research with NCTU recently starting work on a portfolio of rare disease trials, in a variety of therapeutic areas. Our trials focus on patients with rare diseases to help provide further information about care for their conditions.  These trials are funded by Industry, NIHR and MRC.
  • Innovative Design Trials  -  Within our portfolio of trials we have a number of trials with complex designs (e.g. adaptive, basket, umbrella) and innovate approaches to delivery to ensure research is delivered in a more streamline, efficient and patient- friendly manner.