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Our Vision, Values and Strategy

From Newcastle. For the world.

Our vision and values drive everything we do. 

As an institution, our core purpose is to become a more globally inclusive organisation and to provide new knowledge and creative solutions that have a positive, tangible effect on the world around us – from local communities to the whole world. 

Working for an employer that shares your values is an important part of feeling fulfilled; we hope you share Newcastle University’s vision of positively changing society. 

We’ve given you a taster of our values, vision and strategy below, and you can view it in more detail in our vision and strategy document.

Our Vision

At Newcastle University, we have a collective sense of purpose that drives us every day. 

As a world-leading university, academic excellence is core to our mission. But we don’t limit ourselves to academia only. 

As a people-focused organisation, we harness innovation and creativity and welcome individuals from all backgrounds. We know that a diverse workforce offers an unrivalled breadth of insights and experience, and we are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Our Values

We have three sets of values that underpin our work. These values are embedded into everything we do as an organisation and aim to create a better environment for our people, students and society.

Aspirational values

Our aspirational values guide our future growth as an institution and are practised by every colleague at the university.


Our people practise excellence both in their global research expertise and providing an outstanding educational experience for our students.


We’re always looking for creative solutions to local, national and global problems. Innovation and creativity is key to our goal of advancing knowledge and addressing societal problems. 


Nothing we do is without impact. By working in partnership with local governments, industry, community groups and the creative and cultural sectors, we make a difference. 

Our strategy

We exist for the benefit of society, and we have four key strategies that focus how we contribute to the world around us.

Education for life

Our commitment to our students means we aim to provide an outstanding educational experience through strong disciplines and academic rigour.

Research for discovery and impact

All our world-leading research must have a purpose. Through impactful research, we can truly address local and global societal needs to create a better world for everyone.

Engagement and place

We are passionate about Newcastle and the North East, and committed to giving back to our community. We operate as a partner to local governments, the NHS and voluntary sector to enact real change.


With four global locations and research that impacts societies globally, we are committed to international research and building cross-country networks to raise the profile of the North East while addressing global issues.