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Senate is, by statute, the supreme governing and executive body of the University in all academic matters. It normally meets six times per year. Subject to the powers reserved to Court and Council, it is responsible for taking such measures and acting in such a manner as is best calculated to promote the interests of the University as a place of education, learning and research. Its detailed responsibilities include the regulation and control of teaching; the encouragement of research; academic staff training; and the conduct of examinations. Senate has delegated many of its responsibilities in curricular and teaching matters to the University Education Committee.

The membership of Senate is largely elected or appointed and comprises: 17 ex officio members, four student representatives, 22 members elected from the University overall, one lay member of Council and up to three co-opted members.

Senate reports to Council on the academic implications of, for example, financial, staff, student or property issues.

Membership of Senate 2024-25

Ex officio members
The Vice-Chancellor and President - Professor Chris Day
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Professor Nigel Harkness

The Pro-Vice-Chancellors

The University Deans

Twenty members elected by and from the academic staff of the University including at least two representatives from each faculty (11 professorial, 11 non-professorial)

Professor Chris Baldwin (2025)
Professor Stuart Edwards (2027)
Professor Catherine Exley (2025)
Professor Claire Lomax (2027)
Professory Ruth McAreavey (2027)
Professor Rhiannon Mason (2026)
Professor Anoop Nayak (2025)
Professor Murray Pollock (2027)
Professor Alison Shaw (2025)
Professor Simon Tate (2027)
Professor John Wildman (2026)


Dr Marie Devlin (2025)
Dr Joanna Elson (2027)
Dr Darren Kelsey (2025)
Dr Meiko O'Halloran (2026)
Dr Jemima Repo (2027)
Dr Robert Shaw (2026)
Dr Grega Smrkolj (2027)
Dr Laura Woodhouse (2026)
Dr Emily Yarrow (2026)


One member elected by and from the Professional Services staff of the University:
Muriel Snowdon (2027)

One lay member of Council:
Claire Morgan (2025)

Students' Union Sabbatical Officers:
President - Leo David
Education Officer - Jasmine Banks
Welfare and Equality Officer - Hisham Salamathullah
Postgraduate Officer - Linming Sun

Up to three co-opted members:
Professor Andy Husband (November 2024)
Professor Graham Morgan (November 2024)

Meeting dates

2024 / 25 Academic Year

2.30 pm     Wednesday 18 September 2024

2.00 pm     Wednesday 13 November 2024

2.00 pm     Wednesday 15 January 2025

2.00 pm     Wednesday 19 February 2025

2.00 pm     Wednesday 30 April 2025

2.00 pm     Wednesday 25 June 2025

Agenda and unreserved documents

Agenda  ‌18 September 2024

Summary Report from Council: 8 July 2024   Doc C Key Messages from Council 8 July 2024

Student Cost of Living  Doc D Student Cost of Living

Student Outcomes  Doc E Student Outcomes

R‌eported Business  Doc R Reported Business