Staff Profiles
Professor Rachel Cooper
McArdle Chair in Ageing
- Address: NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre
3rd Floor Biomedical Research Building
Campus for Ageing and Vitality
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Rachel Cooper is McArdle Chair in Ageing and Professor of Translational Epidemiology within the AGE Research Group in the Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Faculty of Medical Sciences. Rachel is also co-lead for interdisciplinary research and a member of the Ageing, Sarcopenia and Multimorbidity Theme within the NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre. Her aim is to undertake high quality epidemiological research on ageing across the life course that addresses strategically important, novel questions that have the potential to benefit population health.
Rachel has a BA (Hons) in Human Sciences from Oxford University, an MSc in Epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and a PhD in Life Course Epidemiology from UCL. She has held academic and research positions at LSHTM, UCL Institute of Child Health, MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing at UCL and Manchester Metropolitan University. In addition, Rachel has worked as a Senior Analyst for the UK Government’s Department of Health and Social Care, where she gained useful insights on strategies to ensure research has policy relevance and achieves impact.
In 2021 Rachel was named on Clarivate’s annual ‘Highly Cited Researchers List’ in the cross-field category. Since 2016 she has been an editorial board member for the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences.
Rachel applies a life course epidemiological approach to the study of a range of age-related health outcomes with the aim of identifying opportunities across life to support the development and maintenance of key aspects of health and wellbeing as people age. The ultimate goal of this research is to improve people’s chances of living healthier, active lives for longer and to reduce lifetime inequalities in these chances.
Rachel leads two scientific work packages and a cross-cutting theme on research capacity development within the UKRI-NIHR funded ADMISSION research collaborative. The aim of this interdisciplinary work is to transform understanding of multiple long-term conditions (MLTC) in hospital patients. Using data from electronic health records Rachel is working in close collaboration with colleagues to take a systematic approach to characterising MLTC in hospitalised patients. This is complemented by analyses in population-based studies and qualitative research which is exploring inequalities in MLTC across life.
In her current research Rachel draws on 15 years' of experience applying a life course epidemiological approach to the study of healthy ageing (specifically physical capability and musculoskeletal ageing) using data from large observational, population-based studies, including the British birth cohort studies. This work: demonstrated the value of physical capability across life for healthy ageing; investigated the potentially modifiable lifetime factors associated with musculoskeletal health outcomes including sarcopenia; explored the dynamic interplay between physical activity and musculoskeletal health. She continues to pursue research in these areas through her work with the AGE Research Group and the Ageing, Sarcopenia and Multimorbidity Theme within the NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre
Rachel actively promotes interdisciplinary translational research through her roles as co-lead for Interdisciplinary Research in the NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre and as co-lead of the UKRI (BBSRC-MRC) funded ART (Ageing Research Translation) of Healthy Ageing Network.
In addition to ADMISSION and the ART of Healthy Ageing network, Rachel is also co-investigator on an NIHR funded project, led by colleagues at UCL, on frailty in younger adults which aims to understand the trajectories of frailty across the life course.
Full publication listings: ORCID and Google Scholar and; Q&A with Rachel Cooper
Rachel is committed to teaching and capacity building. She strives to provide those she supervises with positive experiences and works hard to ensure fair treatment and opportunities for all. She has been a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy since 2016 and enjoys all aspects of teaching in particular postgraduate supervision. In 2018, Rachel was honoured to be nominated by her students for a UCL student choice award in the category of outstanding research supervision.
Alongside postgraduate supervision, Rachel has developed high quality study materials and delivered teaching on a number of taught courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels with a focus, wherever possible, on integrating the latest research.
- Cooper R, Bunn JG, Richardson SJ, Hillman SJ, Sayer AA, Witham MD. Rising to the challenge of defining and operationalising multimorbidity in a UK hospital setting: the ADMISSION research collaborative. European Geriatric Medicine 2024, 15, 853-860.
- Granic A, Cooper R, Robinson SM, Sayer AA. Myoprotective whole foods, muscle health and sarcopenia in older adults. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 2024, 27(3), 244-251.
- McDonald C, Cooper R, Sayer AA, Witham MD. Improving care for patients with multiple long-term conditions admitted to hospital – challenges and potential solutions British Journal of Hospital Medicine. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 2024, 85(3).
- Bellass S, Scharf T, Errington L, Bowden Davies K, Robinson S, Runacres A, Ventre J, Witham MD, Sayer AA, Cooper R. Experiences of hospital care for people with multiple long-term conditions: a scoping review of qualitative research. BMC Medicine 2024, 11(2), 923-936.
- Staines KA, Saunders FR, Ireland A, Aspden RM, Gregory JS, Hardy R, Cooper R. Associations between life course longitudinal growth and hip shapes at ages 60 to 64 years: evidence from the MRC National Survey of Health and Development. RMD Open 2024, 10(2), e003816.
- Montgomery G, Yusuf M, Cooper R, Ireland A. Are associations between physical activity and bone mineral density in adults sex- and age-dependent? An analysis of the UK Biobank study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2024, 39(4), 399-407.
- Dodds RM, Bunn JG, Hillman SJ, Granic A, Murray J, Witham MD, Robinson SM, Cooper R, Sayer AA. Simple approaches to characterising multiple long-term conditions (multimorbidity) and rates of emergency hospital admission: Findings from 495,465 UK Biobank participants. Journal of Internal Medicine 2023, 293(1), 100-109.
- Witham MD, Cooper R, Missier P, Robinson SM, Sapey E, Sayer AA. Researching multimorbidity in hospital: can we deliver on the promise of health informatics?. European Geriatric Medicine 2023, 14, 765–768.
- Blodgett JM, Hardy R, Davis DHJ, Peeters G, Hamer M, Kuh D, Cooper R. Prognostic accuracy of the one-legged balance test in predicting falls: evidence from a British birth cohort study. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 2023, 4, 1066913.
- Osman M, Witham MD, Sayer AA, Cooper R. Optimising the use of SARC-F for the identification of muscle weakness by considering alternative cut-points: findings from the Newcastle SarcScreen project. European Geriatric Medicine 2023, 14, 1327-1331.
- Granic A, Cooper R, Dodds RM, Hillman SJ, Sayer AA, Robinson SM. Milk intake across adulthood and muscle strength decline from mid- to late life: the MRC National Survey of Health and Development. British Journal of Nutrition 2023, 129(5), 820-831.
- Evison F, Cooper R, Gallier S, Missier P, Sayer AA, Sapey E, Witham MD. Mapping inpatient care pathways for patients with COPD: an observational study using routinely-collected electronic hospital record data. ERJ Open Research 2023, 9(5).
- Pinto Pereira SM, Garfield V, Norris T, Burgess S, Williams DM, Dodds R, Sayer AA, Robinson SM, Cooper R. Linear and Nonlinear Associations Between Vitamin D and Grip Strength: A Mendelian Randomization Study in UK Biobank. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 2023, 78(8), 1483-1488.
- Lessof C, Cooper R, Wong A, Bendayan R, Caleyachetty R, Cheshire H, Cosco T, Elhakeem A, Hansell AL, Kaushal A, Kuh D, Martin D, Minelli C, Muthuri S, Popham M, Shaheen SO, Sturgis P, Hardy R. Comparison of devices used to measure blood pressure, grip strength and lung function: A randomised cross-over study. PLoS One 2023, 18(12), e0289052.
- Johansson J, Grimsgaard S, Strand BH, Sayer AA, Cooper R. Comparing associations of handgrip strength and chair stand performance with all-cause mortality—implications for defining probable sarcopenia: the Tromsø Study 2015–2020. BMC Medicine 2023, 21, 451.
- Norris T, Sanderson E, Cooper R, Garfield V, Pinto Pereira SM. Chronic inflammation does not mediate the effect of adiposity on grip strength: results from a multivariable Mendelian randomization study. Scientific Reports 2023, 13, 16886.
- Norris T, Johnson W, Cooper R, Pinto Pereira SM. Associations between diabetes status and grip strength trajectory sub-groups in adulthood: findings from over 16 years of follow-up in the MRC National Survey of Health and Development. BMC Geriatrics 2023, 23, 213.
- Witkam R, Verstappen SMM, Gwinnutt JM, Cook MJ, O'Neill TW, Cooper R, Humphreys J. The association between lower socioeconomic position and functional limitations is partially mediated by obesity in older adults with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Frontiers in Public Health 2022, 10, 1053304.
- Blodgett J, Cooper R, Pinto Pereira SM, Hamer M. Stability of balance performance from childhood to midlife. Pediatrics 2022, 150(1), e2021055861.
- Blodgett JM, Hardy R, Davis D, Peeters G, Kuh D, Cooper R. One-Legged Balance Performance and Fall Risk in Mid and Later Life: Longitudinal Evidence From a British Birth Cohort. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2022, 63(6), 997-1006.
- Cooper R, Tomlinson D, Hamer M, Pinto Pereira S. Lifetime body mass index and grip strength at age 46 years: the 1970 British Cohort Study. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 2022, 13(4), 1995-2004.
- Blodgett JM, Cooper R, Davis DHJ, Kuh D, Hardy R. Associations of word memory, verbal fluency, processing speed and crystallised cognitive ability with one-legged balance performance in mid and later life. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 2022, 77(4), 807-816.
- Yusuf M, Montgomery G, Hamer M, McPhee J, Cooper R. Associations between childhood and adulthood socioeconomic position and grip strength at age 46 years: findings from the 1970 British Cohort Study. BMC Public Health 2022, 22, 1427.
- Witham MD, Cooper R, Bowden Davies KA, Ortega-Martorell S, Stewart CE, Sayer AA. Ageing Research Translation: a new era for UK geroscience. Nature Aging 2022, 2, 867-868.
- Pinto Pereira S, Garfield V, Farmaki A-E, Tomlinson DJ, Fatemifar G, Denaxas S, Finan C, Cooper R. Adiposity and grip strength: a Mendelian Randomisation study in UK Biobank. BMC Medicine 2022, 20, 201.
- Blodgett JM, Ventre JP, Mills R, Hardy R, Cooper R. A systematic review of one-legged balance performance and falls risk in community-dwelling adults. Ageing Research Reviews 2022, 73, 101501.
- Hurst C, Murray JC, Granic A, Hillman SJ, Cooper R, Sayer AA, Robinson SM, Dodds RM. Long-term conditions, multimorbidity, lifestyle factors and change in grip strength over 9 years of follow-up: findings from 44,315 UK Biobank participants. Age and Ageing 2021, 50(6), 2222-2229.
- Staines KA, Hardy R, Samvelyan HJ, Ward KA, Cooper R. Life course longitudinal growth and risk of knee osteoarthritis at age 53 years: evidence from the 1946 British birth cohort study. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2021, 29(3), 335-340.
- Robinson SM, Westbury LD, Ward K, Syddall H, Cooper R, Cooper C, Sayer AA. Is lifestyle change around retirement associated with better physical performance in older age?: insights from a longitudinal cohort. European Journal of Ageing 2021, 18, 513-521.
- Caleyachetty R, Stafford M, Cooper R, Anderson EL, Howe LD, Cosco TD, Kuh D, Hardy R. Exposure to multiple childhood social risk factors and adult body mass index trajectories from ages 20 to 64 years. European Journal of Public Health 2021, 31(2), 385-390.
- Rogers NT, Blodgett JM, Searle SD, Cooper R, Davis DHJ, Pinto Pereira SM. Early-Life Socioeconomic Position and the Accumulation of Health-Related Deficits by Midlife in the 1958 British Birth Cohort Study. American Journal of Epidemiology 2021, 190(8), 1550-1560.
- Blodgett JM, Cooper R, Davis DHJ, Kuh D, Hardy R. Bidirectional associations between word memory and one-legged balance performance in mid and later life. Experimental Gerontology 2021, 144, 111176.
- Cooper R, Shkolnikov VM, Kudryavtsev AV, Malyutina S, Ryabikov A, Arnesdatter Hopstock L, Johansson J, Cook S, Leon DA, Strand BH. Between-study differences in grip strength: a comparison of Norwegian and Russian adults aged 40–69 years. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 2021, 12(6), 2091-2100.
- Pereira SMP, De Stavola BL, Rogers NT, Hardy R, Cooper R, Power C. Adult obesity and mid-life physical functioning in two British birth cohorts: Investigating the mediating role of physical inactivity. International Journal of Epidemiology 2021, 49(3), 845-856.
- Saunders FR, Gregory JS, Pavlova AV, Muthuri SG, Hardy RJ, Martin KR, Barr RJ, Adams JE, Kuh D, Aspden RM, Cooper R, Ireland A. Motor development in infancy and spine shape in early old age: Findings from a British birth cohort study. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2020, 38(12), 2740-2748.
- Kok AAL, Huisman M, Cooper R, Cosco TD, Deeg DJH, Kuh D, Stafford M. Lifetime trajectories of socio-economic adversity and their associations with psychosocial factors and attitudes towards social class. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 2020, 11(1), 81-104.
- Williams ED, Cox A, Cooper R. Ethnic Differences in Functional Limitations by Age Across the Adult Life Course. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 2020, 75(5), 914-921.
- Fluharty ME, Pinto Pereira SM, Benzeval M, Hamer M, Jefferis B, Griffiths LJ, Cooper R, Bann D. Educational differentials in key domains of physical activity by ethnicity, age and sex: a cross-sectional study of over 40 000 participants in the UK household longitudinal study (2013-2015). BMJ Open 2020, 10(1), e033318.
- Muthuri S, Cooper R, Kuh D, Hardy R. Do the associations of body mass index and waist circumference with back pain change as people age? 32 years of follow-up in a British birth cohort. BMJ Open 2020, 10(12), e039197.
- Maddock J, Castillo-Fernandez J, Wong A, Cooper R, Richards M, Ong KK, Ploubidis GB, Goodman A, Kuh D, Bell JT, Hardy R. DNA Methylation Age and Physical and Cognitive Aging. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 2020, 75(3), 504-511.
- Blodgett JM, Kuh D, Hardy R, Davis DHJ, Cooper R. Childhood Cognition and Age-related Change in Standing Balance Performance From Mid to Later Life: Findings From a British Birth Cohort. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 2020, 75(1), 155-161.
- Cooper R, Stamatakis E, Hamer M. Associations of sitting and physical activity with grip strength and balance in mid-life: 1970 British Cohort Study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 2020, 30(12), 2371-2381.
- Muthuri SG, Ward KA, Kuh D, Elhakeem A, Adams JE, Cooper R. Physical Activity Across Adulthood and Bone Health in Later Life: The 1946 British Birth Cohort. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2019, 34(2), 252-261.
- Vusirikala A, Ben-Shlomo Y, Kuh D, Stafford M, Cooper R, Morgan GS. Mid-life social participation and physical performance at age 60-64: Evidence from the 1946 British Birth Cohort Study. European Journal of Public Health 2019, 29(5), 986-992.
- Jay MA, Bendayan R, Cooper R, Muthuri SG. Lifetime socioeconomic circumstances and chronic pain in later adulthood: Findings from a British birth cohort study. BMJ Open 2019, 9(3), e024250.
- Kok AAL, Stafford M, Cosco TD, Huisman M, Deeg D, Kuh D, Cooper R. Factors across life associated with remaining free from functional limitations despite lifelong exposure to socioeconomic adversity. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2019, 73(6), 529-536.
- Strand BH, Bergland A, Jorgensen L, Schirmer H, Emaus N, Cooper R. Do More Recent Born Generations of Older Adults Have Stronger Grip? A Comparison of Three Cohorts of 66-to 84-Year-Olds in the Tromsø Study. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 2019, 74(4), 528-533.
- Kuh D, Hardy R, Blodgett JM, Cooper R. Developmental factors associated with decline in grip strength from midlife to old age: A British birth cohort study. BMJ Open 2019, 9(5), e025755.
- Elhakeem A, Hannam K, Deere KC, Wong A, Gaysin T, Kuh D, Cooper R, Richards M, Tobias JH. Day-to-day physical activity producing low gravitational impacts is associated with faster visual processing speed at age 69: Cross-sectional study. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 2019, 16(1), 9.
- Cooper R, Popham M, Santanasto AJ, Hardy R, Glynn NW, Kuh D. Are BMI and inflammatory markers independently associated with physical fatigability in old age?. International Journal of Obesity 2019, 43(4), 832-841.
- Ireland A, Saunders FR, Muthuri SG, Pavlova AV, Hardy RJ, Martin KR, Barr RJ, Adams JE, Kuh D, Aspden RM, Gregory JS, Cooper R. Age at Onset of Walking in Infancy Is Associated With Hip Shape in Early Old Age. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2019, 34(3), 455-463.
- Peeters G, Cooper R, Tooth L, van Schoor NM, Kenny RA. A comprehensive assessment of risk factors for falls in middle-aged adults: co-ordinated analyses of cohort studies in four countries. Osteoporosis International 2019, 30(10), 2099-2117.
- Cosco TD, Cooper R, Kuh D, Stafford M. Socioeconomic inequalities in resilience and vulnerability among older adults: A population-based birth cohort analysis. International Psychogeriatrics 2018, 30(5), 695-703.
- Peeters G, Van Schoor NM, Cooper R, Tooth L, Kenny RA. Should prevention of falls start earlier? Coordinated analyses of harmonised data on falls in middle-aged adults across four population-based cohort studies. PLoS ONE 2018, 13(8), e0201989.
- Elhakeem A, Cooper R, Whincup P, Brage S, Kuh D, Hardy R. Physical activity, sedentary time, and cardiovascular disease biomarkers at age 60 to 64 years. Journal of the American Heart Association 2018, 7(16), e007459.
- Elhakeem A, Hannam K, Deere KC, Hartley A, Clark EM, Moss C, Edwards MH, Dennison E, Gaysin T, Kuh D, Wong A, Cooper C, Cooper R, Tobias JH. Physical Activity Producing Low, but Not Medium or Higher, Vertical Impacts Is Inversely Related to BMI in Older Adults: Findings from a Multicohort Study. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 2018, 73(5), 643-651.
- Elhakeem A, Hardy R, Bann D, Kuh D, Cooper R. Motor performance in early life and participation in leisure-time physical activity up to age 68 years. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2018, 32(4), 327-334.
- Caleyachetty R, Hardy R, Cooper R, Richards M, Howe LD, Anderson E, Kuh D, Stafford M. Modeling Exposure to Multiple Childhood Social Risk Factors and Physical Capability and Common Affective Symptoms in Later Life. Journal of Aging and Health 2018, 30(3), 386-407.
- Muthuri SG, Kuh D, Cooper R. Longitudinal profiles of back pain across adulthood and their relationship with childhood factors: Evidence from the 1946 British birth cohort. Pain 2018, 159(4), 764-774.
- Bendayan R, Cooper R, Muthuri SG. Lifetime cigarette smoking and chronic widespread and regional pain in later adulthood: Evidence from the 1946 British birth cohort study. BMJ Open 2018, 8(8), e021896.
- Elhakeem A, Murray ET, Cooper R, Kuh D, Whincup P, Hardy R. Leisure-time physical activity across adulthood and biomarkers of cardiovascular disease at age 60–64: A prospective cohort study. Atherosclerosis 2018, 269, 279-287.
- Elhakeem A, Hannam K, Deere KC, Hartley A, Clark EM, Moss C, Edwards MH, Dennison E, Gaysin T, Kuh D, Wong A, Fox KR, Cooper C, Cooper R, Tobias JH. Correlates of high-impact physical activity measured objectively in older British adults. Journal of Public Health 2018, 40(4), 727-737.
- Pavlova AV, Muthuri SG, Cooper R, Saunders FR, Gregory JS, Barr RJ, Martin KR, Adams JE, Kuh D, Hardy RJ, Aspden RM. Body mass index and waist circumference in early adulthood are associated with thoracolumbar spine shape at age 60-64: The medical research council national survey of health and development. PLoS ONE 2018, 13(6), e0197570.
- Rawle MJ, Cooper R, Kuh D, Richards M. Associations Between Polypharmacy and Cognitive and Physical Capability: A British Birth Cohort Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2018, 66(5), 916-923.
- Muthuri SG, Pavlova AV, Saunders FR, Hardy RJ, Gregory JS, Barr RJ, Martin KR, Adams JE, Kuh D, Aspden RM, Cooper R. Associations between back pain across adulthood and spine shape in early old age in a British birth cohort. Scientific Reports 2018, 8(1), 16309.
- Kuh D, Cooper R, Moore A, Richards M, Hardy R. Age at menopause and lifetime cognition: Findings from a British birth cohort study. Neurology 2018, 90(19), E1673-E1681.
- Robinson SM, Westbury LD, Cooper R, Kuh D, Ward K, Syddall HE, Sayer AA, Cooper C. Adult Lifetime Diet Quality and Physical Performance in Older Age: Findings From a British Birth Cohort. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A 2018, 73(11), 1532-1537.
- Robinson SM, Westbury LD, Cooper R, Kuh D, Ward K, Syddall HE, Sayer AA, Cooper C. Adult Lifetime Diet Quality and Physical Performance in Older Age: Findings from a British Birth Cohort. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 2018, 73(11), 1532-1537.
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC), NCD-RisC authors include, Cooper R, Bentham J. Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015: a pooled analysis of 1479 population-based measurement studies with 19·1 million participants. The Lancet 2017, 389(10064), 37-55.
- Pavlova AV, Saunders FR, Muthuri SG, Gregory JS, Barr RJ, Martin KR, Hardy RJ, Cooper R, Adams JE, Kuh D, Aspden RM. Statistical shape modelling of hip and lumbar spine morphology and their relationship in the MRC National Survey of Health and Development. Journal of Anatomy 2017, 231(2), 248-259.
- Stafford M, Cooper R, Cadar D, Carr E, Murray E, Richards M, Stansfeld S, Zaninotto P, Head J, Kuh D. Physical and cognitive capability in mid-adulthood as determinants of retirement and extended working life in a british cohort study. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health 2017, 43(1), 15-23.
- Cooper R, Huang L, Hardy R, Crainiceanu A, Harris T, Schrack JA, Crainiceanu C, Kuh D. Obesity History and Daily Patterns of Physical Activity at Age 60-64 Years: Findings from the MRC National Survey of Health and Development. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 2017, 72(10), 1424-1430.
- Elhakeem A, Cooper R, Bann D, Kuh D, Hardy R. Markers of pubertal timing and leisure-time physical activity from ages 36 to 68 years: Findings from a British birth cohort. BMJ Open 2017, 7(10), e017407.
- Ireland A, Muthuri S, Rittweger J, Adams JE, Ward KA, Kuh D, Cooper R. Later Age at Onset of Independent Walking Is Associated With Lower Bone Strength at Fracture-Prone Sites in Older Men. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2017, 32(6), 1209-1217.
- Bendayan R, Cooper R, Wloch EG, Hofer SM, Piccinin AM, Muniz-Terrera G. Hierarchy and Speed of Loss in Physical Functioning: A Comparison Across Older U.S. and English Men and Women. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 2017, 72(8), 1117-1122.
- Stafford M, Ben-Shlomo Y, Cooper C, Gale C, Gardner MP, Geoffroy M-C, Power C, Kuh D, Cooper R. Diurnal cortisol and mental well-being in middle and older age: Evidence from four cohort studies. BMJ Open 2017, 7(10), e016085.
- Cooper R, Richards M, Kuh D. Childhood Cognitive Ability and Age-Related Changes in Physical Capability from Midlife: Findings from a British Birth Cohort Study. Psychosomatic Medicine 2017, 79(7), 785-791.
- Elhakeem A, Cooper R, Bann D, Kuh D, Hardy R. Birth Weight, School Sports Ability, and Adulthood Leisure-Time Physical Activity. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2017, 49(1), 64-70.
- Sharma N, Cooper R, Kuh D. Associations of statin use with motor performance and myalgia may be modified by 25-hydroxyvitamin D: findings from a British birth cohort. Scientific Reports 2017, 7(1), 6578.
- Elhakeem A, Hannam K, Deere KC, Hartley A, Clark EM, Moss C, Edwards MH, Dennison E, Gaysin T, Kuh D, Wong A, Fox KR, Cooper C, Cooper R, Tobias JH. Associations of lifetime walking and weight bearing exercise with accelerometer-measured high impact physical activity in later life. Preventive Medicine Reports 2017, 8, 183-189.
- Bendayan R, Kuh D, Cooper R, Muthuri S, Muniz-Terrera G, Adams J, Ward K, Richards M. Associations of childhood and adulthood cognition with bone mineral density in later adulthood: A population-based longitudinal study. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2017, 9(JUL), 241.
- Muthuri SG, Saunders FR, Hardy RJ, Pavlova AV, Martin KR, Gregory JS, Barr RJ, Adams JE, Kuh D, Aspden RM, Cooper R. Associations between body mass index across adult life and hip shapes at age 60 to 64: Evidence from the 1946 British birth cohort. Bone 2017, 105, 115-121.
- Simpkin AJ, Cooper R, Howe LD, Relton CL, Davey Smith G, Teschendorff A, Widschwendter M, Wong A, Kuh D, Hardy R. Are objective measures of physical capability related to accelerated epigenetic age? Findings from a British birth cohort. BMJ Open 2017, 7(10), e016708.
- Anderson EL, Heron J, Ben-Shlomo Y, Kuh D, Cooper R, Lawlor DA, Fraser A, Howe LD. Adversity in childhood and measures of aging in midlife: Findings from a cohort of British women. Psychology and Aging 2017, 32(6), 521-530.
- Hannam K, Deere KC, Hartley A, Clark EM, Coulson J, Ireland A, Moss C, Edwards MH, Dennison E, Gaysin T, Cooper R, Wong A, McPhee JS, Cooper C, Kuh D, Tobias JH. A novel accelerometer-based method to describe day-to-day exposure to potentially osteogenic vertical impacts in older adults: findings from a multi-cohort study. Osteoporosis International 2017, 28(3), 1001-1011.
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Worldwide trends in diabetes since 1980: a pooled analysis of 751 population-based studies with 4·4 million participants. The Lancet 2016, 387(10027), 1513-1530.
- Kuh D, Wong A, Shah I, Moore A, Popham M, Curran P, Davis D, Sharma N, Richards M, Stafford M, Hardy R, Cooper R. The MRC National Survey of Health and Development reaches age 70: maintaining participation at older ages in a birth cohort study. European Journal of Epidemiology 2016, 31(11), 1135-1147.
- Mishra GD, Chung H-F, Pandeya N, Dobson AJ, Jones L, Avis NE, Crawford SL, Gold EB, Brown D, Sievert LL, Brunner E, Cade JE, Burley VJ, Greenwood DC, Giles GG, Bruinsma F, Goodman A, Hayashi K, Lee JS, Mizunuma H, Kuh D, Cooper R, Hardy R, Obermeyer CM, Lee KA, Simonsen MK, Yoshizawa T, Woods NF, Mitchell ES, Hamer M, Demakakos P, Sandin S, Adami H-O, Weiderpass E, Anderson D. The InterLACE study: Design, data harmonization and characteristics across 20 studies on women's health. Maturitas 2016, 92, 176-185.
- Strand BH, Cooper R, Bergland A, Jorgensen L, Schirmer H, Skirbekk V, Emaus N. The association of grip strength from midlife onwards with all-cause and cause-specific mortality over 17 years of follow-up in the Tromsø Study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2016, 70(12), 1214-1221.
- Howe LD, Smith AD, Macdonald-Wallis C, Anderson EL, Galobardes B, Lawlor DA, Ben-Shlomo Y, Hardy R, Cooper R, Tilling K, Fraser A. Relationship between mediation analysis and the structured life course approach. International Journal of Epidemiology 2016, 45(4), 1280-1294.
- Kuh D, Muthuri S, Cooper R, Moore A, MacKinnon K, Cooper C, Adams JE, Hardy R, Ward KA. Menopause, reproductive life, hormone replacement therapy, and bone phenotype at age 60-64 years: A british birth cohort. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2016, 101(10), 3827-3837.
- Wloch EG, Kuh D, Cooper R. Is the Hierarchy of Loss in Functional Ability Evident in Midlife? Findings from a British Birth Cohort. PLoS ONE 2016, 11(5), e0155815.
- Dodds RM, Syddall HE, Cooper R, Kuh D, Cooper C, Sayer AA. Global variation in grip strength: a systematic review and meta-analysis of normative data. Age and Ageing 2016, 45(2), 209-216.
- Muthuri SG, Kuh D, Bendayan R, Macfarlane GJ, Cooper R. Chronic physical illness in early life and risk of chronic widespread and regional pain at age 68: Evidence from the 1946 British birth cohort. Pain 2016, 157(10), 2382-2389.
- Cooper R, Muniz-Terrera G, Kuh D. Associations of behavioural risk factors and health status with changes in physical capability over 10 years of follow-up: The MRC National Survey of Health and Development. BMJ Open 2016, 6(4), e009962.
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). A century of trends in adult human height. eLife 2016, 5, e13410.
- Bann D, Hardy R, Cooper R, Lashen H, Keevil B, Wu FCW, Holly JMP, Ong KK, Ben-Shlomo Y, Kuh D. Socioeconomic conditions across life related to multiple measures of the endocrine system in older adults: Longitudinal findings from a British birth cohort study. Social Science and Medicine 2015, 147, 190-199.
- Cooper AJM, Simmons RK, Kuh D, Brage S, Cooper R, Hardy R, Pierce M, Richards M, Abington J, Wong A, Adams JE, Machin M, Stephens AM, Bonar K, Bryant S, Cole D, Nip W, Ambrosini G, Pellerin D, Chaturvedi N, Hughes A, Ghosh A, March K, Macfarlane P, Inglis L, Friberg P, Osika W, Ekelund U, Mayle S, Westgate K, Deanfield J, Donald A, Kok S, Masi S, Phalora R, Woodside J, Bruce I, Harwood N, Oughton E, Chapman A, Khattar RS, Nair SB, Franklyn J, Palmer S, Boardman K, Crabtree N, Clements R, Suvari M, Steeds R, Craig K, Howard E, Morley T, Scanlon M, Petit R, Evans W, Fraser A, Edwards J, Reece E, Newby D, Marshall F, Hannan J, Miller C, White A, MacAllister R, Harris J, Singzon R, Ell P, Townsend C, Demetrescu C, Chowienczyk P, Darroch P, McNeill K, Spector T, Clements G, Jiang B, Lessof C, Cheshire H. Physical activity, sedentary time and physical capability in early old age: British birth cohort study. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(5), e0126465.
- Black SV, Cooper R, Martin KR, Brage S, Kuh D, Stafford M. Physical Activity and Mental Well-being in a Cohort Aged 60-64 Years. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2015, 49(2), 172-180.
- Bousquet J, Kuh D, Bewick M, Strandberg T, Farrell J, Pengelly R, Joel ME, Rodriguez Manas L, Mercier J, Bringer J, Camuzat T, Bourret R, Bedbrook A, Kowalski ML, Samolinski B, Bonini S, Brayne C, Michel JP, Venne J, Viriot-Durandal P, Alonso J, Avignon A, Bousquet PJ, Combe B, Cooper R, Hardy R, Iaccarino G, Keil T, Kesse-Guyot E, Momas I, Ritchie K, Robine JM, Thijs C, Tischer C, Vellas B, Zaidi A, Alonso F, Andersen Ranberg K, Andreeva V, Ankri J, Arnavielhe S, Arshad SH, Auge P, Berr C, Bertone P, Blain H, Blasimme A, Buijs GJ, Caimmi D, Carriazo A, Cesario A, Coletta J, Cosco T, Criton M, Cuisinier F, Demoly P, Fernandez-Nocelo S, Fougere B, Garcia-Aymerich J, Goldberg M, Guldemond N, Gutter Z, Harman D, Hendry A, Heve D, Illario M, Jeandel C, Krauss-Etschmann S, Krys O, Kula D, Laune D, Lehmann S, Maier D, Malva J, Matignon P, Melen E, Mercier G, Moda G, Nizinkska A, Nogues M, Ogneill M, Pelissier JY, Poethig D, Porta D, Postma D, Puisieux F, Richards M, Robalo-Cordeiro C, Romano V, Roubille F, Schulz H, Scott A, Senesse P, Slagter S, Smit HA, Somekh D, Stafford M, Suanzes J, Todo-Bom A, Touchon J, Traver-Salcedo V, Van Beurden M, Varraso R, Vergara I, Villalba-Mora E, Wilson N, Wouters E, Zins M. Operative definition of active and healthy ageing (AHA): Meeting report. Montpellier October 20-21, 2014. European Geriatric Medicine 2015, 6(2), 196-200.
- Bousquet J, Kuh D, Bewick M, Standberg T, Farrell J, Pengelly R, Joel ME, Rodriguez Manas L, Mercier J, Bringer J, Camuzat T, Bourret R, Bedbrook A, Kowalski ML, Samolinski B, Bonini S, Brayne C, Michel JP, Venne J, Viriot-Durandal P, Alonso J, Avignon A, Ben-Shlomo Y, Bousquet PJ, Combe B, Cooper R, Hardy R, Iaccarino G, Keil T, Kesse-Guyot E, Momas I, Ritchie K, Robine JM, Thijs C, Tischer C, Vellas B, Zaidi A, Alonso F, Andersen Ranberg K, Andreeva V, Ankri J, Arnavielhe S, Arshad H, Auge P, Berr C, Bertone P, Blain H, Blasimme A, Buijs GJ, Caimmi D, Carriazo A, Cesario A, Coletta J, Cosco T, Criton M, Cuisinier F, Demoly P, Fernandez-Nocelo S, Fougere B, Garcia-Aymerich J, Goldberg M, Guldemond N, Gutter Z, Harman D, Hendry A, Heve D, Illario M, Jeande C, Krauss-Etschmann S, Krys O, Kula D, Laune D, Lehmann S, Maier D, Malva J, Matignon P, Melen E, Mercier G, Moda G, Nizinkska A, Nogues M, O'Neill M, Pelissier JY, Poethig D, Porta D, Postma D, Puisieux F, Richards M, Robalo-Cordeiro C, Romano V, Roubille F, Schulz H, Scott A, Senesse P, Slagter S, Smit HA, Somekh D, Stafford M, Suanzes J, Todo-Bom A, Touchon J, Traver-Salcedo V, Van Beurden M, Varraso R, Vergara I, Villalba-Mora E, Wilson N, Wouters E, Zins M. Operational definition of Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA): A conceptual framework. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging 2015, 19(9), 955-960.
- Bann D, Hire D, Manini T, Cooper R, Botoseneanu A, McDermott MM, Pahor M, Glynn NW, Fielding R, King AC, Church T, Ambrosius WT, Gill T. Light intensity physical activity and sedentary behavior in relation to body mass index and grip strength in older adults: Cross-sectional findings from the lifestyle interventions and independence for elders (LIFE) study. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(2), e0116058.
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- Manty M, Kuh D, Cooper R. Associations of Midlife to Late Life Fatigue with Physical Performance and Strength in Early Old Age: Results from a British Prospective Cohort Study. Psychosomatic Medicine 2015, 77(7), 823-832.
- Fuller-Thomson E, Brennenstuhl S, Cooper R, Kuh D. An investigation of the healthy migrant hypothesis: Pre-emigration characteristics of those in the British 1946 birth cohort study. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2015, 106(8), e502-e508.
- Cooper R, Bann D, Wloch EG, Adams JE, Kuh D. "Skeletal Muscle Function Deficit" in A Nationally Representative British Birth Cohort in Early Old Age. Journals of Gerontology: Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 2015, 70(5), 604-607.
- Bann D, Cooper R, Wills AK, Adams J, Kuh D. Socioeconomic position across life and body composition in early old age: Findings from a british birth cohort study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2014, 68(6), 516-523.
- Cooper R, Power C. Pregnancy obesity is associated with increased rates of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular hospital admissions in adult offspring. Evidence-Based Nursing 2014, 17(4), 104.
- Cooper R, Strand BH, Hardy R, Patel KV, Kuh D. Physical capability in mid-life and survival over 13 years of follow-up: British birth cohort study. BMJ 2014, 348, g2219.
- Bann D, Kuh D, Wills AK, Adams J, Brage S, Cooper R. Physical activity across adulthood in relation to fat and lean body mass in early old age: Findings from the Medical Research Council National Survey of Health and Development, 1946-2010. American Journal of Epidemiology 2014, 179(10), 1197-1207.
- Martin KR, Cooper R, Harris TB, Brage S, Hardy R, Kuh D. Patterns of leisure-time physical activity participation in a British birth cohort at early old age. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(6), e98901.
- Golubic R, Martin KR, Ekelund U, Hardy R, Kuh D, Wareham N, Cooper R, Brage S. Levels of physical activity among a nationally representative sample of people in early old age: Results of objective and self-reported assessments. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2014, 11, 58.
- von Bonsdorff MB, Cooper R, Kuh D. Job demand and control in mid-life and physical and mental functioning in early old age: Do childhood factors explain these associations in a British birth cohort?. BMJ Open 2014, 4(10), e005578.
- Espana-Romero V, Golubic R, Martin KR, Hardy R, Ekelund U, Kuh D, Wareham NJ, Cooper R, Brage S. Comparison of the EPIC physical activity questionnaire with combined heart rate and movement sensing in a nationally representative sample of older British adults. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(2), e87085.
- Elhakeem A, Cooper R, Bann D, Hardy R. Childhood socioeconomic position and adult leisure-time physical activity: A systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews 2014, 3, 141.
- Mishra GD, Black S, Stafford M, Cooper R, Kuh D. Childhood and maternal effects on physical health related quality of life five decades later: The British 1946 birth cohort. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(3), e88524.
- Dodds R, Denison HJ, Ntani G, Cooper R, Cooper C, Sayer AA, Baird J. Birth weight and muscle strength: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Nutr Health Aging 2012, 52(7), 609-15.
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Book Chapter
- Kuh D, Hardy R, Gale C, Elliott J, Ben-Shlomo Y, Cooper R. Healthy ageing across the life course. In: Alan Walker, ed. The New Dynamics of Ageing. Bristol: Policy Press, 2018, pp.59-79.
- Cooper R, Witham MD, Bartle V, Sayer AA. Defining and measuring multiple long term conditions in research. BMJ Medicine 2022, 1(1), 000287.
- Strand BH, Cooper R. Monitoring changes in motor function in the years before death. BMJ 2021, 374, n1882.
- Cooper R. Socioeconomic adversity - An important barrier to healthy aging. BMJ 2018, 360, k1288.
- Witham MD, Cooper R, Bowden Davies KA, Ortega-Martorell S, Stewart CE, Sayer AA. Ageing Research Translation: a new era for UK Geroscience. Nature Aging 2022, 2, 867-868.
- Cooper R, Muniz-Terrera G, Kuh D. Correction: Associations of behavioural risk factors and health status with changes in physical capability over 10 years of follow-up: The MRC National Survey of Health and Development (BMJ Open (2016) 6 (e009962) DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009962). BMJ Open 2018, 8(5), e009962corr1.
- Ben-Shlomo Y, Cooper R, Kuh D. The last two decades of life course epidemiology, and its relevance for research on ageing. International Journal of Epidemiology 2016, 45(4), 973-988.
- Cooper R. Occupational activity across adult life and its association with grip strength. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2016, 73(7), 425-426.
- Bann D, Goldblatt P, Cooper R. Understanding the lifetime determinants of television viewing. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2015, 69(4), 314-315.
- Martin-Ruiz CM, Baird D, Roger L, Boukamp P, Krunic D, Cawthon R, Dokter MM, van der Harst P, Bekaert S, De Meyer T, Roos G, Svenson U, Codd V, Samani NJ, McGlynn L, Shiels PG, Pooley KA, Dunning AM, Cooper R, Wong A, Kingston A, Von Zglinicki T. Corrigendum to "Reproducibility of Telomere Length Assessment - An International Collaborative Study" [International Journal of Epidemiology 2014, doi: 10.1093/ije/dyu191]. International Journal of Epidemiology 2015, 44(5), 1749-1754.
- Bann D, Hire D, Manini T, Cooper R, Botoseneanu A, McDermott MM, Pahor M, Glynn NW, Fielding R, King AC, Church T, Ambrosius WT, Gill TM. Correction: Light intensity physical activity and sedentary behavior in relation to body mass index and grip strength in older adults: Cross-sectional findings from the lifestyle interventions and independence for elders (LIFE) study. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(4), e0126063.
- Witkam R, Gwinnutt JM, Humphreys J, Gandrup J, Cooper R, Verstappen SMM. Do associations between education and obesity vary depending on the measure of obesity used? A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. SSM - Population Health 2021, 15, 100884.
- Kuh D, Cooper R, Sattar N, Welsh P, Hardy R, Ben-Shlomo Y. Systemic Inflammation and Cardio-Renal Organ Damage Biomarkers in Middle Age are Associated with Physical Capability up to 9 Years Later: Findings from a British Birth Cohort Study. Circulation 2019, 139(17), 1988-1999.
- Cooper R, Pinto Pereira SM. Maternal weight status before pregnancy is strongly associated with offspring weight status in childhood. Evidence-Based Nursing 2019, 23(3), 91.
- Elhakeem A, Hardy R, Bann D, Caleyachetty R, Cosco TD, Hayhoe RPG, Muthuri SG, Wilson R, Cooper R. Intergenerational social mobility and leisure-time physical activity in adulthood: A systematic review. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2017, 71(7), 673-680.
- Davis D, Cooper R, Terrera GM, Hardy R, Richards M, Kuh D. Verbal memory and search speed in early midlife are associated with mortality over 25 years’ follow-up, independently of health status and early life factors: A British birth cohort study. International Journal of Epidemiology 2016, 45(4), 1216-1225.
- von Bonsdorff MB, Kuh D, von Bonsdorff ME, Cooper R. Mid-career work patterns and physical and mental functioning at age 60-64: Evidence from the 1946 British birth cohort. European Journal of Public Health 2016, 26(3), 486-491.
- Schrack JA, Cooper R, Koster A, Shiroma EJ, Murabito JM, Rejeski WJ, Ferrucci L, Harris TB. Assessing Daily Physical Activity in Older Adults: Unraveling the Complexity of Monitors, Measures, and Methods. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 2016, 71(8), 1039-1048.
- Ferrucci L, Cooper R, Shardell M, Simonsick EM, Schrack JA, Kuh D. Age-related change in mobility: Perspectives from life course epidemiology and geroscience. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 2016, 71(9), 1184-1194.
- Elhakeem A, Cooper R, Bann D, Hardy R. Childhood socioeconomic position and adult leisure-time physical activity: A systematic review. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2015, 12, 92.
- Denison HJ, Dodds RM, Ntani G, Cooper R, Cooper C, Sayer AA, Baird J. How to get started with a systematic review in epidemiology: an introductory guide for early career researchers. Archives of Public Health 2013, 71, 1-8.