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A research collaborative that aims to transform the understanding of multiple long-term conditions in hospital patients.

About the research project

ADMISSION brings together scientists, clinicians and patients from five UK universities and hospitals. The admission collaborative includes:

  • Newcastle
  • Birmingham
  • Manchester Metropolitan
  • University College London
  • Dundee

Living with multiple long-term conditions, also known as multimorbidity, is very common among people admitted to hospital.

These patients often stay in hospital for longer and their recovery may be slower.

Care delivery in hospitals is not ideal. The hospital system was designed for the treatment of single conditions. Because of this, the care of patients with multimorbidity can be:

  • unsatisfactory
  • inefficient
  • costly
The power of data

To date, there has been little research on multimorbidity in hospital patients.

Research is crucial to understanding how services need to change.

ADMISSION will harness the power of ‘big data’. The data will be found from:

  • routinely-collected hospital records
  • primary and social care records

ADMISSION will use the data alongside research studies such as:

  • UK Biobank
  • Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE)

It will also include:

  • cutting edge data science
  • novel computing
  • statistical techniques
  • care pathway analysis
  • quantitative methods
  • genetic epidemiology


  • take a systematic approach to characterising multimorbidity in hospital patients, focusing on burden and the occurrence of inequalities
  • describe the links to care pathways
  • investigate the underlying biological causes
  • lay foundations for new approaches to the recognition and treatment of multimorbidity in hospital
  • inform the design of future care, with potential to improve health outcomes for the millions of patients with multimorbidity admitted to hospital each year

Further information:
Twitter: @AdmissionCollab

Funder: UK Research and Innovation and the National Institute for Health Research

Duration: 48 months (January 2021 to December 2024)

PI and further team at Newcastle University
  • Prof Avan Aihie Sayer (PI)
  • Prof Miles Witham
  • Dr Richard Dodds
  • Prof Sian Robinson
  • Prof Brian Walker
  • Prof Heather Cordell
  • Prof Fiona Matthews
  • Prof Paolo Missier
  • Prof Thomas Scharf
  • Dr Chris Plummer


  • University of Birmingham
  • University College London
  • University of Dundee
  • Manchester Metropolitan University