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Corona Winter and Summer

Challenging negative media stereotypes of older people in care homes during COVID-19.

About the research project

The project examined stereotypes of older people, around the time of COVID-19.

A local care home was provided with a set of cameras for use throughout the project, returning them at the end.

Members of the Newcastle University Project Team produced training material to enable members of the care home film team to use the cameras to document their lives. This enabled them to capture activities and events as they happened and to tell the everyday stories of life in a care home. Including moments such as:

  • visits with relatives
  • discussions with staff
  • conversations that residents have with each other

The content filmed was at the discretion of the care team. The project aimed to encourage a sense of learning, exploration and fun, using the cameras to create the story of the care home.

The narrative produced was one of hope, looking forward to a better future. A future without COVID-19 and positive wellbeing for care home residents.

The research team

This included:

  • Karen Ross – Newcastle University
  • Andrew Newman – Newcastle University
  • Alastair Cole – Newcastle University
  • Lucy Jolly – Newcastle University
  • Nicky Jones – Princess House, Sunderland
  • Georgia Young – Princess House, Sunderland
Content outputs
  • Film
    As the project progressed, the footage shot by each set of filmmakers was retained by the care home and sent to the filmmaker.
    The final version of the film was screened at the care home. It was also promoted and distributed by the filmmaker at film festivals and uploaded to the internet for public viewing.
  • Podcast
    The audio content, film footage and progress meetings may also be used as the basis for a podcast. This podcast could be used for teaching purposes and for general broadcast too.
  • Report
    We will also evaluate the project in written form and use the evaluation as the basis of an external funding application to roll out the method of the project more widely.

 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Newcastle University

Partner: Princess House, Seaburn, Sunderland, SR6 9NS